Weird Al or a Pedophile. You decide.

38  2018-04-09 by Whirling-Derpish


They really did always look like a couple of dicksucking clowns.

Couple of party animals right there. Cabo Wopo

Tran Gaylen or sumpin'.

So did Anthony and Joe.

That bitch with Ant is fucking nasssssstty

that has to be a relative

Oh shit is that his mom and dawn? That would make sense

Pretty disgusting to fuck ones mother imo. I'm not saying that he is alone in having wanted to do that, pornhub only puts out incest video's nowdays because of people like him, but actually to act on it? Disgusting!

I assume you’re referring to Brother Joe?

I believe that is Dawn

Whoever she is, she looks hammered!

Jesus, kid - look out!

I invented awful hair hoohoo

So Ant owned 1 pair of jeans for 3 decades?

And that young boy was never seen again...

They murdered out of jealousy over his superior fashion sense.

Who's the treat in the orange T-shirt?

Joe has always had horrible style. An embarrassment to white trash everywhere.


dirt bags

They look like they all sit around and smoke crack as a family.

It was freebase, sir. Be careful, you don't want to end up on the Libel List.

Nice bannister, stupid.

No handrail having fucking dummies

Nice stair rails, stupid.

I was alive throughout the entire 80's. I don't remember people looking quite this fucking stupid. Stupid, yeah. But this is beyond parody.

These are Strong Island trash dagos. They crank up every embarassing trend by 1000. These are the Jersey shore people of the 80s.

It looks like a casting call for the movie "Meatballs".

Ugliest fucking greaseballs I've ever seen. No doubt their neighbors reviled them.

I'd bang all 4 of these chicks


Dated as this photo is, Dawn looks phenomenal.

Are they wearing name tags? Cumia family reunion/gangbang.

Non-White & Nerdy

whatsup with little Opie im the backround?

The Ramoans

weird paedophile

Joe and Ant look stupid even for 80s hair metal wannabes.

holy shit, that's an unpleasant image

Nice Gunt and nice Weekend at Bernies pose, Ro.

3 disasters and a high class gal with a juicy dumper

why not both

Is that Dawn? She looks even blacker than Ant and Joe here. She could totally pass for a mulatto or Columbian chick.

goddamn young Dawn Cumia...

Huh. Where's the dad?

Already in CA

Nice womb, stupid.

Long Island woman adopts 3 Morrocan orphans from the Western Sahara War

Their mom is a red-headed Irish woman with probably zero continental dna(let alone negro/mena), just thousands of years of red head fucking redhead on a small island.

And Holy shit they look nothing like her. How strong was Joe Sr's seed that it wiped out all traces of Whiteness in them Decent legs tbqh.

How did Tony end up such a short shrivelled nothing when Joe is tall and large framed despite being a skinny fuck.

Little Anthony even tried going to the gym and eating better,as evidenced by the decent arms but that small malnourished irishman frame and short legs...not even going to talk about all the other features discused here at lenght.

Dawn actually made the smart move by marrying the runner up in the Opie x Tom Petty look alike constest.

She knew she had half-white genes in her and thought if she married a really White guy it would cancel most of the Sicilian in her offsprings, maybe giving them just a bit of Daid Gandy type exotic feel to them. Mengele tier 10/0

Hold on sir. So you're saying Tranpa is half Irish and not all Tunisian? Mind=blown

More young dawn please


Ant looks like Marty Feldman in a wig.

Ro looks like Frankie Carbone's Wife in Goodfellas.

Dawn looks like typical LI trash for the time.

Jenkem Joe looks like Gary Cherone in an Extreme tribute band.

Good to see Joe brought something to keep himself hydrated.

That’s worse than a mullet.

Was he ever not drinking?

Where’s that Ronkonkoma? Or Central Islip?

I don't know, what do I look like a fucking tour guide?