Truth In Advertising

234  2018-04-09 by crookedmile


Simple yet effective.

They have her dressed up in pink as if she were a pig.

"as if"


Right up there with HA HA HO LEE SHIT

serious question - whats the funniest movie to come out in the past 3 years? is that a hard question to answer? i have no clue.

Probably The Comedian, starring Jim Norton.

the black panther , funny watching niggers in their natural habitat

Wakanda 4 Ever nigga


Persicope Movie starring Anthony the biter.




I liked "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY GUN?" better. But that's just me.

An online trailer start playing while I was on YouTube last night for that new Super Troopers movie. Maybe I’m just dead inside but I watched the whole thing in stunned silence of how fucking awful it looks like it’s going to be

"They're a little older, but not a whole lot wiser..."

We’re back! And blander than ever! We’re back! Unfunny forever!

The O&A reunion?

Exactl, I alsno never got the appeal of the first one either, shit was just so bland and boring.

The Death of Stalin was pretty fucking funny.

Any time dictators are dying it’s pretty funny & awesome. I love watching when Gaddafi, Saddam being dragged to the deaths but the best is the documentaries of our soldiers moving in on Hitler while him & his whore where hiding like rats. Too bad that coward offed himself, I would’ve loved to see footage of a public execution of Hitler.

Any time dictators are dying it’s pretty funny & awesome.

You mean like this?

Exactly, nice pull!

why did you delete your post?

Idk wtf happen, I didn’t intentionally delete anything to my knowledge.

i just watched it, yeah it was like an interesting stage play. They did a good job.

Not sure but "People's Court" sure was a hoot, the past year, over on the small screen. Goon 2 was pretty good, can't remember if I found that the funniest or just the most recently seen comedy. Idk I'm just rambling now so leaving it here is probably best, before this gets weird. I hope you find your answers.

Goon 2 sucked ass, what are you on?

Well I'm on vacation in vegas for 2 weeks and got a flu Friday or Saturday that kept my ass in my room the last 2 days. Been on musinex, nyquil and a few edibles so that has my head all fuzzy when I watched it. It definitely wasn't as good as the first but I still liked it. Probably wasn't even close to funniest movie the last 3 years but I can't really recall anything overly funny either, like op commenter.

The one where the black guys turn white and all that shit.


Its not officially a comedy but the last Coen Brothers movie, Hail Caesar, was pretty funny.

Would that it-t'wurrr a comedy.

It was my favorite Coen Brothers flick since No Country.

Burn After Reading?

I will kill you.

^ Man with bad opinions.

Eh; i liked watching it, but i just wasn't thrilled watching it

I'm probably gonna get shit for it, but Game Over, Man! was pretty damn funny. I'm not a fan of Workaholics, but I laughed audibly watching that movie. Besides that, I can't remember a newer movie making me laugh.

Honestly - no idea. Everything I ever saw was “meh”

The last comedy I saw in theaters that left me legitimately laughing for the duration was “Forgetting Sarah Marshall.” So there’s that.

The Big Short.

"Rough Night" from last year was surprisingly funny. Before that maybe "Sisters" in 2015? You're right though it's been a solid few years of shit comedies.

Deain' With Idiots and God Bless America

Clear History

The death of Stalin

Paddington 2, only film I actually laughed during in ages

Blade runner was great

Game Over, Man on Netflix is pretty good.

Dirty Grandpa with Deniro was funny too.

Role Models, Office Christmas Party.

Role Models is 10 years old.

Well, you're awful.

I don't know why I bothered mentioning any movies.

You faggots hate everything.

Everybody Wants Some!! was good.

Not many great comedies but: - Game Night/Horrible Bosses made me laugh, there's some mean stuff in there so they're overall funny if you like stuff similar to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
- If you like animated stuff, The Lego Movie is cute funny.
- Deadpool but it's more action, This is The End also has silly action/pot humor - Thor has some funny scenes
- The Disaster Artist in a weird/awkward funny if you liked The Room

I actually had to look up some lists, that's how few funny movies I could think of, and I watch tons! <-- Lists like this basically have no straight-out comedies, just movies with one or two jokes, it's pretty crazy. I guess lately the trend has been to make action movies with some humor or awkward "Coming of age" garbage that might give you a smirk once or twice.

I mean I really liked Florida Project but that's how far they're reaching for something to call a "comedy" these days.

I thought 'what we do in the shadows' had some funny scenes

"Do ya!?"

Took me too long to see it haha

I must be missing something.

someone wrote nigger underneath pretty

Good legs.

Good artist

Pretty Fat In Pink

Did you do that? I’d hope people who vandalize consistently would carry a fatter tip

Whos funnier than amy schumer?

No one! (Except dudes...)

how does she keep getting movies?

This will be her last. It will tank and the Jews that run hollywood will see she is box office poison.

Do they all lose money? I looked on rotten tomatoes but didn't find much

As long as her cousin remains in power in the US Senate.

Jew broad, fights obesity

It's refreshing to see a movie where the protagonist is defeated in the end.

Jew broad, prejudiced against salads.

And loses, apparently

The public is so overwhelmingly against her, yet they keep pushing her. Fucking why? I thought Hollywood's primary notivation was money and "Snatch" bombed. There's no way even (((they))) want her success this bad.

'Snatched' god damn you. Snatch is an absolute masterpiece.

Because she is so brave.

The movie was probably put into production when she was popular (pre Leather Special/Snatched). By the time the movie was finished everyone hated her. They've probably already written it off as a loss.

Unless they're so fucking delusional they still think all this fat female empowerment shit is going to be profitable.

Fat hens in the flyover states have probably been lining up for her garbage movies and no one else knows about it

Love the air brushing on her cellulite filled legs

And about 30 other things.

Could you imagine the team they would need to promote her in the Barbie Movie??

The next Game of Thrones season would be pushed ahead a year.

im assuming the editing of this photo chopped off 330 pounds but if this was her actual figure then all she would need to do is practice proper posturing and she can have a hide-able gross body with good curves

And bobo feels smart.

On Hitlers birthday. How fitting.

This is exactly what she wants to have happen.

There will be 10 photographers at this subway station tomorrow taking this picture, after being alerted by her publicist, and you trolls will be scolded.

Huffington Post: Why Alt-Right Trolls Are Taking To The Streets

"Why The Amy Schumer Grafitti Matters"

"Amy Schumer's Powerful Response To Alt-Right Troll Vandalism"

"Someone Vandalized Amy Schumer's Poster And It's Kind Of Gross"

Carrying on the classic **** trend of making blaxploitation movies in 2018. Just instead she makes awful movies for fatties and hardcore feminists.

I'm proud of you for not writing, "OK, which one of you did this?" as the title.

Is Kermit in this?

I heard one minute of Fat Amy® this morning on the unlistenable, entirely unfunny Nikki Glaser show with the god awful name "You Up" (seriously, why did they choose that name?) and she wasnt remotely entertaining. When she admitted to being high or drunk while working, and then didnt come out with one story or example.. really? Way to reel your audience in, dummy. Nikki and her emasculated sidekick just gave a fake laugh to a non-joke statement.

I get all the hate towards her, but me, I'm simply indifferent about her. My feeling is that if this movie is a bombaroo like her last one, Hollywood isn't going to give her another shot at a lead role. And this movie only appeals to women, so there's 50% of the audience gone. Conservatives hate her so there's another 50ish% gone. You want to play the politics game, well those are the consequences. Maybe all the HuffPo bloggers in New York will fill the theaters but I doubt it.

I'm really not in favor of constantly calling people fat...I mean some people are fat, some skinny, some in shape, etc. and it has no bearing on their job unless they're athletes...but when you CONSTANTLY try to make a fucking career out of saying you're a good looking, sexy, attractive model (every god damn poster, movie title, sketch idea, comedy bit, photo shoot) then you're just asking for it.

Just cut the shit and make a regular movie where you play a regular person. You don't have to play a model, you don't have to play a doll, you don't have to play someone who people think isn't pretty but really is deep down. Just play a regular human being whose life doesn't revolve around their looks or trying to fit in with more attractive people.

Could you imagine the team they would need to promote her in the Barbie Movie??