
2  2018-04-09 by LittleScorch

I can't be the only one feeling disturbed that among the usual conflict and creepiness, there was an actual specific accusation of child sexual abuse. The details are a bit scattered, so Danny - any chance you could tell us what you can about the claim you say Ant made of molesting a 14 year-old. What was your reaction? Do you think it really happened? Was there ever an investigation or charges?

It would be good to actually get to the bottom of this one. I've never quite known where to draw the moral line in terms of still being able to listen to O and A with a relatively clear conscience, but the legal age of consent seems to be a good place to start.


"Once, I fingerblasted a 14 year old". - Anthony Cumia

So far, the above quote is all Danny divulged.

There was another post with a bit more detail, where Danny changed the name to "Giselle" to protect the identity of the girl in question.

they had proof on a iwatch that hooked up with anthonys private messages.

Seriously. At this point I feel Danny can catch an aiding and abetting charge

I don't think that happens when you've filed a statement.

Aiding and abetting means...aiding and abetting. It doesn't mean failing to report a crime. That's not illegal in the US.

I don't see how Danny aided or abetted anything.

She was ready to travel.

What else is there to say.

Dude confessed to me what he did. Do I think it really happened? you fucking bet I do. Yes there was an investigation and between the time frame and the legal process the statute of limitations expired. So you guys can go and contact whoever you'd like about it, fact is, too late.

Even if you choose NOT to believe it, there's always the photographic proof of 16 year old Bobo's sister in his pool. Same day convicted sex offender Kurt Love was there, molesting her.

So. Tough choice, huh?

As much as I'd love not to believe it, nothing you've posted suggests lying - all your posts are consistent with each other and you haven't even been pushing the issue particularly. If anything, I'm weirded out more people aren't focussed on it.

Just trying to get a sense of the actual story. Were you the one who reported it? Did he "confess" (in the feeling guilty sense) or was it more of a brag? You said elsewhere it was the Compound Wack Pack stuff that led to you falling out - does that mean you stayed friends after this disclosure?

danny. did opie ever pick up on any of this? it seemed like he would push that "HOO HOO ANT LIKES THOSE YOUNG GIRLS" joke whenever it came up on the show, but he only took it as far as jim and ant were willing to take it. given his well-documented lack of self-awareness and inability to craft a well-timed joke i would have assumed that if this were a "we all knew" kind of thing he would have mentioned it (bitterly) by now. i know that answering the burning questions of this sub isnt your first priority so thanks for taking the time to do it.