I think this place is getting to Sam

3  2018-04-09 by Dennyislife


The linked tweet was tweeted by @davidmaialetti on Apr 09, 2018 13:31:38 UTC (416 Retweets | 539 Favorites)

A topless protester is wrestled to the ground after jumping in front of actor Bill Cosby on the first day of his sexual assault retrial. #cosby #news #protest

Attached photo | imgur Mirror

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He is into wife writing now.

He had a little laugh about it too. But he's blind or at least pretending to be now so he couldn't get his dick out. Poor old creep.

This place is getting to everyone

Is this where chocolate milk comes from?

So this lady just sexually assaulted Cosby?

Imagine a dude jumped in front of a female on her way to court for sex assault and exposed himself?

Billy wanted some.

Perv eyes in full force.

I bet he slipped his hand up his daughters skirt and ran his finger from clit to asshole, then acted like he had dementia when she objected.

I bet he plays that game a lot, He jerked off 2 of his lawyers, then played dumb.

I'll show him my bipolar disorder. That'll teach him.

Dumb whore.

Turns out its some actress that did four episodes of The Cosby Show.