Tell me, if you spend $300 on a bumble date and only make out with the girl should I have just bought two prostitues?

9  2018-04-09 by tranthasourus

The girl was hot and I’ll probably fuck her later this week but if that doesn’t happen man did I get ripped off.


What sort of first date did you go on for $300?


Yeah, what the fuck were you doing?

Wriggling. It's a common worm tactic. VERY underwhelming.

Dinner, drinks, chloroform. 300 is realistic

This dunderhead overspends on first dates and underspends on hookers.

Yup, and I come spill the beans to you boys.

You really are pathetic.



Very expensive sushi.

Very expensive sushi.

You got played nigga'. The only sushi you eat on a first date is hers.

Fawkin nailed me. I’ll update you on how our Top Golf date goes tomorrow .

Keep us posted. We care here brother.

Ah the sarcasm almost broke my phone

Should have broke your wallet.

Fawkin crushing me. My back pocket is a little light.

But only if you post nudes.

She’s Cuban and doesn’t have a penis you won’t like it

You fed a Cuban $300 worth of sushi? Fuck that, give her a plantain and a juice box.

Yeah, what is he, fawkin Oysters Cockafella asumptin? Tsds

Were you worried that you needed an 'expensive' meal to garnish your limp personality?

Ps I used to take $3k a night hookers to eat more expensive sushi than that. Best of both worlds.

Na I had no idea it would be that much. It’s not really about the money I have $300. I guess you’re right actually. I have no excuse. Why did you stop?

I went on a bit of a tear for a while, lots of coke and hookers, got bored of it. I dip my toe every now and then. When you have your dick in the asshole of a girl who is getting her pussy eaten by her cousin, theres not much more you can do. I might be prematurely middleaged by the whole thing.

I was thinking a Space X trip to mars for the second date.

When you have your dick in the asshole of a girl who is getting her pussy eaten by her cousin, theres not much more you can do.

Way more satisfying to get it done without excessive drugs and money

buying hookers is like fishing in a stocked pond, using coke/ex/h/ice is like throwing a masterball

what ever happened to banging in the back seat or under a bridge? Bitches think that shit’s romantic

Well one of the hookers I met on our second "date" refused money, and said she "didnt want it to be about that with me" and we dated for a while.

Im sorry you are living out of your car under a bridge and have to convince yourself its romantic to keep yourself from walking to the top of the thing and throwing yourself off.

Yeah, or you dont wanna blow money on a hotel when you don’t know if the sex is any good, also not letting every chick I bang know were I stay is kind of smart

but ive gotten laid living in my car, never said I thought it was romantic, but a lot of girls have never fucked outside so it can be a special experience

kudos on you for dating a whore playing the long game!

Downvoting queer

Haha, thats my “upvote long enough to give them confidence then downvote after I reply” technique

I live in a big mansion, I make lots of money, and I fuck attractive girls!

Back to obscurity with you whore master!

Nice saving of a ho, Captain

Pretty sure that didn't actually happen.

No it did, she turned out to be a crazy bitch and I pulled the plug after a few months, but she was into me. First girl to eat my ass unprompted.

Why do you find it impossible to believe?

I don’t find it hard to believe a dude was charmed by a woman who ate his ass without asking (probably within the first or second date I am assuming)

What I don’t believe is that she wasn’t using you. She was a mentally broken person who was conditioned into seeing every man who doesnt hit her as a “rube”.

You would literally have to spend years deprogramming that kind of crazy, and she would always be running away to find the kind of abuse she feels she deserves

I’m not trying to be a dick, I got a thing for broken chicks, I just have seen this movie too many times to not remember the ending

Ol' Stocked Pond Jimmy

this is the real reason he cant have a real relationship

normal women aren’t gonna act like paid prostitutes, he doesn’t want to deal with real female emotions. he seems to view “real female emotions” as an personal insult his whores wouldnt dare commit

broken man with no real code

"I dip my toe every now and then."

"Just a lil' taste."

Careful, fucker, you are treading on territory you don't want to enter. Period!

hire prostitute, eat her ass, then give this fancy bumble cunt a nice wet kiss

Yeah, stink up your fingers real good in some 43 year old Marissa Tomei and then feed the Bumble bitch grapes or something at the restaurant

split the difference next time

Next time meet them at the park, or to get a drink, stupid.

I've fucked a lot of girls off Tinder/Bumble and 90% of the time it's been free or less than $20. She probably met some other guy after your date and swallowed his jizz for dessert.

But I bought her Mochi, how could a woman be so inconsiderate ?

Seriously though. Buying women you want to fuck things before you fuck them is the worst thing you can do. Just get a dog.

Then say "Wanna take my dog to the park with me?" and boom, you have a free, easy 'date' that ends back at your place because you have to bring your dog back.

I’ll buy a puppy tomorrow

Go to shelter and get a pitpull nothing ever bad happens with them

Tss wait, get a pitWHAT? Tssss

Nice adaptability, person of superior intellect

And if she dont lick ur peckah the dog will. Peanut butter is 3 dollars nigga

Seriously though. Buying women you want to fuck things before you fuck them is the worst thing you can do

Exactly, buy them stuff after - to reward the good behavior, buying 1st trains 'em all wrong

You don't give a dog a treat before you make it do a trick.


Have fun thinking about that at work this week, faggot.


You're a fag for making out and not fucking. You lowlife piece of shit you should be ashamed. She's a whore, literally. Treat her as such if need be. You're probably a "progressive".

Tsss what do I sell car insurance or sumthin

Wait wait or a congressive or sum shit

Took the words out of my mouth lol. this guys a fucking congressive!

Following your logic, yes, you should have purchased the services of a prostitute or two, because otherwise women are not obligated to sleep with you even if you spend a lot of money on them. Also, didn't you eat your half? So that's only $150...

I was doing blow in the bathroom. I had some Wagyu and edamame.

More like Fagyu, tssss tss

$300 on a girl you haven’t fucked?


i got rolled by a prostitute a few weeks ago, lost $700. she stole my wallet after giving me a handjob, i was in that post-cum stunned phase. that was half a month's paycheck from Panera.

to be fair i was a bit of a cunt, but so was she.

You are a fucking faggot. I expected you to at least say "I was super drunk" or "I had just shot up."


Fuck off. I already felt suicidal the rest of that week for it. I don't need you to hate me too

Suddenly, after hearing this, last night doesn’t hurt as much.




You don't buy a prostitute.

Fucking civilians.

Everyone is shitting on you, including me, and rightfully so, because you are treating a stranger too good too early.

After awhile she's gonna be talking to other girls and then it will be "/u/Tranthasourus, YOU TREAT ME LIKE ANIMAL!"

But, really, if money isn't an issue for you and you don't really have much invested in this bitch emotionally, who gives a shit. So you fed a pig some caviar. We all learned a lesson and the world will keep spinning.

Don't do it again or we will make you wear a doody hat.

She's using you for "money, stupid


Wait until she mentions her herpes.

You must be really ugly.

Be more funny

EDIT: it’s a day later and I fucked her.

I was thinking a Space X trip to mars for the second date.

I was doing blow in the bathroom. I had some Wagyu and edamame.

When you have your dick in the asshole of a girl who is getting her pussy eaten by her cousin, theres not much more you can do.

Way more satisfying to get it done without excessive drugs and money

buying hookers is like fishing in a stocked pond, using coke/ex/h/ice is like throwing a masterball

what ever happened to banging in the back seat or under a bridge? Bitches think that shit’s romantic

Haha, thats my “upvote long enough to give them confidence then downvote after I reply” technique

I live in a big mansion, I make lots of money, and I fuck attractive girls!

Back to obscurity with you whore master!

"I dip my toe every now and then."

"Just a lil' taste."

Careful, fucker, you are treading on territory you don't want to enter. Period!