Nice acknowledging your mistake stupid.

22  2018-04-09 by RBuddCumia


Yo mama, bitch.

atleast his hair looks great

That pic makes wrestlemania look like a gay nightclub, and to all intents and purposes, with the oiled up dudes in hotpants, it is.

“To all intents and purposes” are you fucking kidding me

Yeah, “for” not “to” you fucking pleb

"The nonstandard for all intensive purposesseems to have first appeared in the 1950saccording to the Google Books Ngram Viewer, while a version of the standard idiom, “to all intents, constructions, and purposes,” is cited in the OED as early as 1546. Historically, the dominant form of the idiom was to all intents and purposes, but over the past several decades that has gradually waned as the “for” form has increased in popularity."

No dickhead



Wander over to wrestling-forums and see threads like "I would go gay for Finn" and shit like that and yes, it's the modern day public restroom.

That toothless twenty five year old enchantress in the yellow shirt looks like a catch

Thats a bayou 7

Shout out to whoever placed Sideshow Sam in front of that Circus background.

Guys we have known he was terrible for years did we really need a WWE fuck up for confirmation?

Can you imagine if Sam was at the Cellar table, though? I bet you they'd give him quite a razzin'! (I hear they do that to each other there)