Things aren’t going great tonight for Sammy boy.

66  2018-04-08 by RBuddCumia


He looks like he’s peaking threw a sewer hole.

saw his reflection and it triggered his primate anger

Why would he be angry about being such a hottie

How about a mother hucking moving picture

Why does wrestlemania look like 1972 reno nevada?


Because people think New Orleans is just some faggot city, year-round, instead of the murder and rape town it actually is.

The entire French Quarter should be quarantined off and gassed. It's Little Mogadishu with roving bands of hoodrats looking to roll people at any given chance.

Look at his scared, worried eyes

like a doll's eyes

Like a guy who plays with dolls eyes

Like a fag in headlights.


Ah! I knew there was a joke there somewhere

The way that slut in the yellow shirt is staring at sam

Excuse me, fuckface. That "slut" happens to be my lover.

Those people are genuine rubes and still they aren't buying Sam's bullshit. They hate him visibly.

It's funny how he's all decked out in his ill-fitting rental costume, just a few feet away from a guy in jean shorts and a pink t-shirt.

The suit fits him fine, it's the thirty-some years of eating chicken tendies and lack of weight-lifting body that looks disproportioned.

Witness the last true alpha male. He’s got a 5 head for protection against head attack’s. He’s short and nimble so good luck trying to catch him. He has peak nutrition with dinosaur tendies. He trains daily with his action figures so he knows all the moves. This man is what we secretly want to be.

So ugly.

Someone needs to get this to Kevin Pollak, @kevinpollak on Twitter.

This will make his night.

Sam's fukkin hedd

I thought he was about to start yelling "GET OUT!!!!"

Maybe he should try heroine, worked for Artie

Like a guy who plays with dolls eyes