Yucko the clown is awesome. Opinions?

0  2018-04-08 by WhippingHuskies

He's extremely underrated and no one ever mentions him when we talk O n A/ Stern regulars.


No mention of Ron?!?!

You are correct sir, he is great.

I challenge you to a fight!

Ron's fat.

And he's about to have a heart attack

His beret, scarf, and 3 glasses on his fat head are on the ground adjacent to his fat dead body.

Great for on the street type stuff, and the quick jab -

www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-Q9aYy-jlM .

That being said he got worked over by Gary of all people -

www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7rNu3pzcBw .

Gary was actually pretty nasty when he'd get pissed. He's a NY guy, who's quick, smart, and has the greaseball rage. I used to see him often when he would walk to Grand central and being the fag that I am, would Baba Boey him. He's always smile and wave, but eventually we started talking. Awesome guy.

gary would routinely outwit artie and howard. whenever hed get the better of the exchange the argument would turn to his teeth gums and Nigger lips. gary rules

Yucko rules

I forgot who he did it to, but during one of the roasts someone bombed with like every joke they had and he would honk his clown horn after every one.

Another example of a minor Stern character, not even wack-pack worthy, that is better than anything O&A "produced". You know what I mean.