Dirty Deedee fucked thousands of men

6  2018-04-08 by A_Friendly_Creeper


Deedee's still got a fan club. They meet up every month off the Old Kent Road. The Wednesday Wank they call it.

My Dad grew up on old Kent Road...

Yes, I love the movie and was referencing it. Great dialogue from Sir Ben

Hashtag brave

Old whore

Growing up in San Diego, I had my first drink at 13. Two short years later, while blackout drunk, I lost my virginity to rape at the hands of a distant relative while spending the summer in Portland, Ore.

Switch San Diego for Linden, NJ, and Portland, Ore for Keansburg, and this could be Jim Norton's biography.

She's got all the buzzwords in there: "Rape", "MeToo", Sex in the City references. I'm amazed that she was paid $20,000 to promote a dating website. That cannot possibly be true. Look at her.

I don't understand how people air their dirty laundry for everyone to see. It makes Pat Dixon look even more pathetic because this lady is a massive whore and piece of shit.

Absolutely, and her chin in that picture makes Lauren Kubera look feminine.

I just remembered this bitch has been on O&a a few times. They're a magnet for shitty people.

Thank you for commenting on my humble post, twitter star :)

All whores hates themselves (and virgins), hence why they want to drag everyone else down to their filth.

The "notorious" Jim Norton? Perhaps among airline customer service reps and smoothie makers.

I really wish she would use her gold digging money to get her teeth whitened.


I dunno I think that shade of yellow goes well with all those gums.

Of course Jim Norton was "her friend" during her wild sex era.

Jim is always orbiting whores who have sex with everyone but him

Did you know you were referencing Sexy Beast with this post? Cause I counter-referenced it, having only watched it a few days prior, and no one got it.