Is it just me or is the rest of reddit a tepid snoozefest compared to this sub

48  2018-04-08 by blue_magoo_62

This sub ruined the rest of it. I now only use reddit to follow the exploits of these aging queers and for the new and exciting ways we insult one another. Anyone got any sub reddits they havent given up?


It’s just you.

leftist sjw faggots aren't funny this has been proven time and time again. reddit promotes that horse shit and is openly trying to kill comedy and free think under a guise of "fairness".

Alt right guys and hardcore right wingers are hilarious right?

Nah but something in-between can be funny

the alt-right is destroying lefties right now in terms of humor, i dont even agree with them most of the time but it pisses off liberals in such an epic way i have to give it to them (ex. pepe the frog, hwndu, "its okay to be white" signs, sam hyde the shooter, etc.)

Those are made by 4chan guys doing it to troll, I don't associate them with being hardcore or alt right. They do it to fuck with people

Sure they're real lefties over there lol


I'm right-wing AND I'm hilarious, bro

There is no middle any more according to the radical left.

I go to other subs that deal with my interests, I refrain from calling people mean things tho

I save that for this shit hill in a shit hole

it's not that this sub made reddit look worse, it's that reddit genuinely got worse. whether they're cleaning up for ads, or due to hiring a bunch of female admins, or selling out to 'correct the record' or some shit, we'll really never know. but there's no denying that over about 3 years it has been slowly changed into a play land for empty headed house wives to post bullshit about bunny rabbits, rape, drumpf.

what's very weird to me is this weird separation into race subreddits. BlackPeopleTwitter, BlackPeopleGifs, WholeBlackPeopleTwitter, WhitePeopleGifs, WhitePeopleTwitter, etc

Not only that, but the tone and how people act in the subreddits. It goes without saying that it's not mostly black people in the black ones too, which is another layer of weird

I would say that more than half who post in the blackpeopletwitter/gifs or probably white.

Way more than half.

Going back like 6 years it was actually a decently fun place. Now it's just ground zero for advertisers looking for young males (excluding Ant).

whether they're cleaning up for ads

This is it. I've never known a place on the internet to go like this without heavy censorship. The front page is full of all these new "wholesome" subreddits. Even obscure subreddits seem to get a boost if they have "wholesome" in the title.

reddit was never good

exactly, 3 years ago even saying something like "fuck her in the pussy" wasn't considered taboo. now the rest of reddit is on the woke train. 3 years ago, no one would consider russia was evil or the president was evil for wanting to stop being the world police.

it's these goddamn jews, they ruin everything. i punch every ww2 vet i find for picking the wrong side.

Some of the topics on the rest of Reddit scare me. " look what I did" "pat me on the back "feel sorry for me"

dont forget mostly jokes about how you have depression, have no skills, and committing suicide, but their opinions are valid

Those are the worst. Just start your post by announcing if you're looking for positive or negative attention then go bellyflop on a table saw.

I saw a thread yesterday about a kid who killed himself on Youtube live with his mother in the house. Some guy rightly called the kid a selfish retard and people actually got mad at the dude for being judgemental. Must strike a nerve lmao

Also black people are driven to cause crime by society but white people are evil

hey i'm just here for cute kitten gifs and to hate on opie

Almost got shut down last month over that livestream proud boy suicide. Happy to see it’s still around.

That was a legit rough one to watch. But not really.

I tapped out when the mom came in and watched some Brazilian scooter shootings and Chinese escalator failures instead.

Relative R/eyebleach or what Am i right or what friendo

got any links to that?

i'm addicted to that sub, I don't know what that says about me

Pass. But thanks

/r/morbidreality is also good

I'm assuming you you know all about /pol/ But on the off-chance you dont, check it out. I think its for you.

Lol I love how that's still up but r/incels was pushing things too far.
Reddit really is run by broads.

I was devastated when incels got shut down. Watch people die was my favorite but some faggot shot himself in his room and they've changed a bit.

I've never clicked on a thread outside this sub without being filled with rage from the gut wrenching palling around.

I genuinely get a bit angry at how safe and mild peoples humour is. Like i know humour is subjective but im looking at some garbage sentence that is objectively not funny. At all. But thousands of people seemingly agree its wonderful. Two people even paid 4 dollars to put a gold circle next to it! What a pack of cunts.

r/TIL is a great sub. I love weird history and weird facts and stories and that mf is chock full of it. It's my favorite other one.

You're being sarcastic, right

I know, wtf is he talking about?

‘Today I learned’ should be renamed ‘today I got on my liberal soapbox’

90% of the threads there: "TIL (White man from history) did (something bad)."

TIL columbus was a bad guy. We get it. WE GET IT.

Anyone remember AOL instant messenger? When it first came out, it was great, you could meet random people and chat about shit.

Eventually, it got ruined by shitty people, but the bigger problem was bots and trolls. You just got to the point where half the time you got a message, it was from some bot trying to shuffle you off to a porn site, and you just uninstalled it.

I think something similar is happening to Reddit. The people on the left have these weird fantasies about Russians sitting at KGB HQ trying to "hack the election." Methinks the bots and trolls are probably doing what they were doing back in the AOL days: make money.

But back then, there was money in porn, and now there's money in ads. So I think there's quite a lot of traffic on here that's designed to send you to websites for clicks.

And I think that's why this sub doesn't suck like the rest of Reddit. We're just too small to be bothered with.

Why in God's name would you explore this shit hole of a website. I'm actually a liberal person I just hate the promotional ama videogame jerkoff self aggrandizement horseshit culture that is Reddit.

It's because of the fundamental flaw of reddit with the avatar-names and upvoting faggotry.

Creates a culture of faggots who live by trying to appease the "crowd".

It's funny that the front page talkin about "Oh my god that chinese thing is totally like black mirror, so cool!" and not realizing they're facing the same shit voluntarily by conforming to upvote/downvote patterns

What's amazing is how you faggots on this sub don't understand you're perfectly liable for the same shit.

No, I'm unique and perfect


We are beautiful, no matter what you say. Words can't bring us down.

You sir are a faggot.

I fucking HATE that I even think about shit like that: “I wonder if I’ll get downvotes for this?”

What a pathetic fuck. Reddit sucks.

Yes, you suck cock by choice.


Good one

Askwomen isn't bland, or atleast it wasn't when I was allowed to post there. Little different this, I felt a little offput at the start but as soon as I saw all the hatefull answers to my advice I felt right at home.

Be amazed is a pretty cool sub

The internet was better before every easily-offended pantywaist and gassy loud gun-hugger got online. The so-called "culture war" is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to this country. It's a constant barrage of unadulterated faggotry and it comes from both retarded "sides", all the fucking time. Nowadays people are conditioned to scour entertainment media to find something to piss and moan about and it's all they do anymore.

If we actually have to endure things like "safe spaces" for "gender-fluid" weirdos and jerks who enjoy walking around with rifles on their backs then there's no reason an online safe space shouldn't exist where it's perfectly acceptable to say things like "faggotry" and "retarded" without fear of repercussion. And thanks to a defunct old radio program, by golly, we have that safe space. I salute you all.

We all agree that net neutrality is the single most important political crisis in human history and the_donald must be banned. If you find that boring, you're on the wrong site, buddy.

Gamers rise up is a good one


/r/spacedicks is pretty hot.