Do you think any of Anthony's neighbors refer to their McMansions as a "compound"? Or are they just normal adults who don't need a silly nickname for their house to make them feel like a big boy?

213  2018-04-08 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

What a fucking loser.


The only thing more pathetic than calling your house “The Compound” is having a lose parasite older brother that refers to his own home as “Compound East”

That's disgusting if true. Any links of him saying that?

It’s was on his shitty indie gogo page for his dogshit podcast:

”To do this properly and make this a full-blown media outlet, doing construction in Cumia's home studio (commonly known as 'The Compound East')”

commonly known

lol What's it's formal name?

Spit Castle


The Compound Queef

Pedo Pad

The most cringe inducing thing I've read recently.

A serious contender in a very crowded field for most embarrassing fact about Brother Joe.

Joe lives in a heatherwood community, thats like the ritz of long island trash condo villages

Joe is incapable of having original thoughts.

“Compound East”

That is so pathetic it isn't even funny.

He really lives in a fantasty world. Crossdressing on stage, samcro, not beeing a pedophile.

Also, 'commonly known' infuriates my sensibility.

CAN enter into contracts....


Of course he calls it a compound. He has to piggy back off his brother in every possible way. I'm pretty sure Brother Joe's "compound" is a condo too which makes it even more pathetic.

He does live in a condo. It’s pretty shitty too.

Greedy ass Ant. Won't even buy his brother a better house. How long until he sees REAL residuals for introducing Ant to Opie?!

If that was my faggot brother I wouldn't give him much more. Joe doesn't even try to be a non suckling adult. My real brother I'd help out much more

Man, I remember a Christmas photo he took about how great of a job he did with the tree. I had a better apartment when I was 20 and made 27k. This man is 60.

To be fair, it is 🐜's house... LARPing as the edge does not pay the bills

“Compound East”

Wait. Seriously he does this?


I'm actually gonna give him the benefir of the doubt on that one and not even believe it

Compound Least

He could own a literal compound with no neighbors in sight, have a shooting range, loud parties all night, AND pay way less if his stupid ass didnt need to live in a neighborhood he thought was unattainable when he was 7.

he doesn't have guns or friends just leaches and weak arms.

For about the current value ($2.5m) of his home (that he paid 2.9M for), you can get a house that is 2,000sqft bigger, and on 169acres in PA, and still be within driving distance of Manhattan.


He loves to think of himself as a gun toting guy who has a lot in common with your typical redneck. At the end of the day though, he is a Scicilian-American from Long Island. They don't like rural/backwoods living. Their natural habitat is to be near strip malls,overcrowded beaches, conjested highways and chain restaurants.

He loves to think of himself as a gun toting guy who has a lot in common with your typical redneck. At the end of the day though, he is a Scicilian-American from Long Island

You spelled spaghetti nigger wrong


He wishes. More like Mongrel-American.

Never want to sound like I agree with Cumia’s but in all fairness aren’t most people uncomfortable with rural/backwoods living unless they grew up that way? Where I’m from I think of Anthony’s neighborhood as spread out, quiet & not densely populated.

Where are you from, a favela?

Lol, oh come on, he’s living in Roslyn Heights which is affluent suburb, you’re acting like he’s living in the overcrowded Lower East Side tenements in the 1920’s.

the subway is uncomfortable but you learn to use it. If you move somewhere rural you learn how to get used to it. I got a cousin from Chicago than now works as a cop it Atlanta, he lives an hour away from the city and his only neighbors are industrial chicken farms. His house is about 10,000 square feet and he has a few 4x4s and motorcycles. And his house payment is less than what Louis j Gomez pays in rent in NYC. That's a real ass good deal. Admittedly you have to be way more independent but if you whine as much about the government and comcast as the cumias do, you should be fine running your own electric and phone wires to your compound

I know you could can live like a king for cheap out in the country, I probably could sell my place & live in a big house on many acres & still be able to run most of my business on a the computer & through phone calls & eventually get used to it but what am I gonna do out there? I don’t hunt, fish, drive atv’s or cut grass & the same thing with Ant, if Ant wasn’t an outcast, he’d be better off living in Manhattan & going to dinner parties every night & being invited to all kinds of events but nobody but his degenerate pokers buddies will hang with him. There’s no way he’s every going to married & have a family so as a single man with money & a little bit of fame, the city is the logical place for someone like that but that ship has sailed with Ant but alone out in the country with no friends or family he’d drink his loney ass to death within 6 months.

I own property in Alabama. And since around age 20, I don't hunt or freshwater fish or any of that bullshit. But what I do love, when I stay out there, is waking up and taking a piss off the back deck, blowing something up with tanirite and no one even riding up to see what the noise is about.

Well that sounds pretty sweet, sounds like your close to the water & the weather is great, but that shit ain’t cheap. Also that’s cry from living in the middle of Pennsylvania or upstate New York, where the weather sucks & there’s no one to hangout with. There’s a lot of cool small towns throughout the east coast that are beautiful a uaint towns that you can basically live on a farm but go into town & eat and drink at Manhattan quality restaurants but those places are just as expensive if not more than living in the city.

Dipaolo managed to pull it off. He lives on acreage upstate on a place on a lake. And he still makes it to his daily XM show.

Where’s DiPaolo living? Like I said there’s a bunch great little rural towns that the wealthy live but the people are far from actual rural culture & lifestyle, main street has French restaurants & high end breweries. Those areas are a fortune but if you wanna live like a king for with $750k you’ll be literally in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of meth heads.

no he couldnt - look - it's crazy expensive for a reason

also PA is a fucking dump

Fucking Long Island is a dump

it is - but still closer to nyc than pa

.....That's not a good thing

Honestly neither of those places are within reasonable commuting distance of Manhattan.

the second one is 1:15 from Times Square. Plenty of people do that commute every day.

What a soul destroying thing to do twice every day.

As it is, his show is only 4 days a week, and he could easily do 1 or 2 of those a day from home.

He also could sleep a night or two in his apt in the city that he had to let his bite victim stay in after his arrest or his favorite hotel where he had gay sex with a man named Sue Lightning.

That's a reference packed sentence.

If he went from his house to Manhattan at rush hour it's an hour anyway

I do two hours each way, three days a week, and live like a king with a paid off mortgage out in the country. All depends what you're willing to deal with.

Mine's 1:15 if nothing goes wrong, I haven't murdered anyone yet.

Not with rush hour traffic.

Good thing for him his show isn't based around rush-hour.

Google says it's 1:27 to Grand Central, and that's from Beacon, which is across the river from Newburgh. So add the time for the ferry too, and also as an aside, Newburgh is a shithole.

1, you know Ant would drive. 2, did you see the area its in? Its a Newburgh address, but its not "Newburgh"

If it's a Newburgh address, it's on the other side of the river. And it's still an hour and a half now to drive, and midday weekdays it's between 1:20 and 1:50.

The funny part is at 8am his commute would be the same from upstate as it is from Long Island, just with a real mansion and tons of land

That's what Dipaolo did. Bought a house with a lake upstate.

Anthony Cumia moving to Newburgh, aka "Camden on the Hudson", would be very amusing.

The location of this houses is as much 'Newburgh' as Central Park West is to Harlem or as where his house is now is to Hempstead.

How many sf is the compound?

4,589 sqft, crammed onto a 0.38 acre lot.

Damn. That would me there are McMansions in my street, but on much larger lots.

and i bet you can't hear a major highway from your back yard.

But it does have those columns that the eye-talians love

Not american here asking, why the fuck are property taxes are that high in the US? i get that you don't buy 2.5 million house if you don't make that much money but wtf? About 50k a year for owning my fucking house? Are taxes that high on rent also?

taxes are lower in the city, but high in the suburbs. Large majority of that goes to the schools, and pays for things like two of every team sport (football, lacrosse, soccer, baseball, hockey, etc)

Yeah but doesn't the rich live in the city?

both. but the rich in NYC pay less property tax than the rich in the suburbs.

I guess i will never fully understand America.

Yeah how dare he. How dare he not live in Pennsylvania. Good point

But then he couldn't use a drone to spy on his neighbors kids as they swim in backyard pools.

The middle school near his McMansion too:

"Haha, isn't this creepy? Imagine if a real creep was doing this? Haha!" jerks off furiously

He pulled an eichenwald

His neighbors must look at it the same way you'd look at a crack house springing up. Warning their kids to stay away from it, etc....

Cumia will never leave New York. All his friends are there, and more importantly he needs the security blanket of his family. He's an angry greasy baby.

I mean, not his mother, obviously.

He used to criticize men who have mancaves. I believe he refered to them as "gay rooms". As faggy as mancaves are, dubbing your house "The Compound" is REALLY faggy. He took the mancave idea, and just applied it to his entire house, while giving it a different name to sound cool. Normal men with loving families and good careers sometimes have a little section of the house to themselves, which some call their mancave. When you're alone, have no responsibilities, burn every bridge you've ever had, you get "The Compound".

Didn’t Danny say he only uses like 3 rooms in the entire house anyway, and the rest just sits there empty?

Poker and karaoke which is 50% of his time is in the basement. 5% outside by the pool, 45% on the couch playing video games and tweeting with his nanna reading glasses on. He probably used to go hold his guns in a mirror somewhere to feel masculine, back when he could legally own guns.

Oy vey, how dare he?

Seriously, who needs more than that?

When I lived by myself I had close to 3000' and there were entire floors of the house I never used. Didn't really seem weird to me? For the same amount of money I'd be living in a tiny house in the city and I didn't want to live in the city. I don't like stepping over hypodermic needles when I'm walking to my car. (My house is near Portland.)

Obviously, I could've bought a modest place in the same town, but then I'd have to live next to poor people, and why would I do that?

I guess I'm trying to say that there aren't a lot of homes in quiet neighborhoods that are 1200'. You can have a 1200' place in the city, or a quiet home in suburbia, but good luck finding both.

You could have just said the last sentence you bragging queer.

My apologies, my editorial staff only works Monday-Friday.

3000sqft - where?

this is a lie

my house is near Porltand

I agree that the term "man cave" is horrible. But for a guy to call them "gay rooms" when he bangs trannies at his house is quite rich.

Some people who fancy themselves as "survivalists" like to pretend they've created an impenetrable fortress for themselves, aka "the compound". I guarantee he has a special basement bunker full of 55 gallon drums of rice and beans and grain so he'll be able to ride it out when society falls and the negro hordes being their looting sprees.

They call it The Vault.

The Crypt.

Older children dare younger ones to run up and touch - just touch, never knock - on the front door.

I was referring to banks/money because you know. Yours also works.

Anthony lives in the same town as me and I’m a business owner. I’m just waiting for the days he strolls in.

Figure out a way for it to be like "Kids get a free balloon day" and Ant will show up to scout.

Perhaps, you should start selling products that he would buy. Perhaps some playground equpiment, maybe some candy, or some PAW Patrol memorabilia.

Get it? 'Cause he fucks kids.

imagine being such a loser you start calling people with mansions losers. Wow

Imagine being such a loser that you'd consider that house a mansion.

I need to know which ball licker you are. Fred is that you?

Joe Cumia

Michael Jackson had millions of dollars and he was a sad pathetic loser.

Nah im sure one of them has a moat Anthony isnt delusional at all

This is the best post I’ve seen on this sub Reddit in a long time! Very insightful and made me laugh out loud.

All the parents on the block make a point to skip Anthonys house during Trick or treat

Imagine buying a six bedroom house and the depression that follows when 5 of them are empty. Wouldn't you want to fill your house up with borderline retards?

Brother Joe has his own room when his wife kicks him out every four months

Well I bet none of his neighbours even have 1/4 of the Twitter followers as him. So back to obscurity with them!!! 😂😂😂

Nyc apartment is compound west.

And Sue's asshole is compound south.

How are you going to call your house a compound when it’s not even gated in? A kid riding his bike on the sidewalk has already infiltrated your “compound”....

That was probably the plan all along.

A compound is usually on a bigger piece of land than 1/3rd of an acre

Once 🐜h's imperium implodes. Compound East suddenly becomes West-Hampton. He was always a Howie fan. But felt oppressed to speak out.

The more I learn of 'The' Joe Cumia. The more amazed I get.

What about Joe? Does he live there now? I’m a little behind the times.

No, they’re too worried about their property values since Ant moved in. They will probably be selling soon before the neighborhood goes to shit when more Anthony Cumia’s start to move in.

Anthony's will one day be shown on the news as a house of horrors for his pizzafacegate pedo ring.

Casa de Faggotry

If he wasn't so committed to living in THE CITY and doing that jerkoff podcast that might even be losing money by now, he could be living on a genuine compound somewhere. He could be living in a house twice the size with 100 acres to play with instead of that 3 million dollar house in the middle of a neighborhood sitting on a quarter acre. The biggest mistake he made was sticking around in New York City overpaying for everything and getting raped on property taxes when he has no reliable source of income.

It’s pronounced Cum Pound, My friends.

A house like his "compound" can be bought for $500,000 in Modesto, CA. Overpriced piece of shit

Yeah, who would wanna live in a piece of shit like that? Show us a picture of your house.

It’s the inside of your mothers cunt. Plenty of room

All I’m saying is someone would have to be blinded by their hate of Anthony to pretend his house is a piece of shit, lets be honest.

It's not a piece of garbage, but it is tacky as hell. Any time his home comes up, it's almost universally shit on. And half a million bucks can get you something much nicer than his McMansion.

It’s a tacky catalog built house. Anyone with however much he spent on it could buy that.

And on Long Island that is quite a few people.

I'm just saying. And I'm doing just fine sir, now go back to mouthing trants tranny stained balls, you cock

My friends the Petersons are selling theirs at a discount.

Fun fact: not a single person in Modesto speaks English.

There's a reason a house is cheaper in Modesto.

I would assume his neighbors refer to their homes as "houses". One quick drone strike and "the compound" would consist of powdered sheetrock, empty Bud Light cans and melted "Seinfeld" DVDs. Maybe someday...

His neighbors refer to their houses as their “Jew lairs”

Can't imagine the shithole shoebox you live in loser

The real successful people refer to them as ‘starter homes’ that they will eventually move out of as they become more wealthy.

He likes to think it's the Playboy Mansion, but it's really a hostel for homely girls with hideous accents and old, fat, retarded pedophiles.

Ant's version of the Playboy Mansion isn't quite as sad as Corey Feldman's:

I’m pretty sure Compound refers to his elaborate home security system & firepower inside.

You mean the "firepower" that was confiscated and is now the property of the state of New York?

God Damnit! I have t been on here in a month and it seems like I missed a fuck load of new drama. Can anyone fill me in on this, as well as what the new dirt is on Brother Joe that I keep hearing about? I also heard something about Jimmy flying somewhere recently and fucking a well known Trannny?

His guns we're confiscated over a year ago when he was arrested for beating up his girlfriend and breaking her rib, to which he plead guilty and went to fake rehab to get out of a lengthy jail sentence.

Are you talking about Danny? I thought he got his guns back after completing “rehab?”

No, and no he didn't.

He Beat Another Bitch?

Shut up.

You’re right, I got carried away.

They’re probably just disappointed that an African American presence in the neighborhood brings down their property value.

Wasn't it actually Opie who called it "the compound" first?

When I build my cabin I'm calling it the Compound. Take that, suckas!

Is it still a compound if he's not allowed to have any guns in it?

Do da bit!

well, technically it is a enclosed parcel of space ungoverned by basic law where heinous child abuse takes place and as it organized from. a child abuse compound, if you will.

Its a tomb

Who cares I just miss the bbbbbbbbbboys.

Whatever he calls his’s more gooder than yours.

I heard someone was trashing the guys...PESTS ATTACK! Where’s Dougout Doug when you need him? The General! He’s a good egg.

Maybe we’ll go into Pat Battle mode!

Know what? I bet his neighbors DON'T have nicknames for their houses. I'll betcha. Fucking great post, man. Strong stuff here.

Poker and karaoke which is 50% of his time is in the basement. 5% outside by the pool, 45% on the couch playing video games and tweeting with his nanna reading glasses on. He probably used to go hold his guns in a mirror somewhere to feel masculine, back when he could legally own guns.

When I lived by myself I had close to 3000' and there were entire floors of the house I never used. Didn't really seem weird to me? For the same amount of money I'd be living in a tiny house in the city and I didn't want to live in the city. I don't like stepping over hypodermic needles when I'm walking to my car. (My house is near Portland.)

Obviously, I could've bought a modest place in the same town, but then I'd have to live next to poor people, and why would I do that?

I guess I'm trying to say that there aren't a lot of homes in quiet neighborhoods that are 1200'. You can have a 1200' place in the city, or a quiet home in suburbia, but good luck finding both.