While Supplies Last!

87  2018-04-08 by SteveTech74


$50 for an Opie Radio hoodie. $30 for a Brothaman Brothaman t-shirt. He doesn't set these prices does he?

His ego does

retard-school isn't cheap.

Leave Shit-for-brains Jr. alone

It is if you can pawn the dimwit off to the state

I dont think you understand, if this was 2004 those t-shirts would be flying off the shelves.

2001 maybe.

He's using a "direct-to-garment" printer so he doesn't have to go out of pocket on the shirts. To hold inventory for all this product he would need to spend real money which we know he's not about to do.

The flip side is that to make any money you have to charge dumb prices. I wouldn't buy a $30 T-Shirt from a designer let alone a direct-to-garment shirt.

Who wants a shirt for a brand that doesn't exist? What is OpieRadio? Where can I find it? These questions can't be answered, but you can buy a $50 sweatshirt.

To use a Colin Quinn phrase, you’re really showing your garmento roots.

Neat. I don't know what that means.

It’s just a joke about how because the Jews of NY were historically in the garment business (called ‘garmentos’ by other ethnic NYers), you are natively in possession of their sacred knowledge by descent.

Not a particularly funny or insightful joke. Really, I just wanted to use the word “garmento”.

Yeah, I just know how t-shirts are made.

Honest question: You've given us a great bomb with Anthony; some of us have reported it to the local authorities, anonymously.

Do you have anything else you can give us about Opie that may not be Anthony-level illegal, but is still super embarrassing to say the least?

Opie picks his nose and eats it. Isn’t that bad enough?

Hold on hold on, some people are really reporting all this alleged chomo stuff about Anthony to real police? I thought we were just having some laffs on the subreddit.

nah this sub doesnt affect his life

lets continue our path into obscurity

it cant imagine there still is something embarrasing to say about opie that would make me think even worse of him

Gotcha. But the joke is that in some small part, that knowledge is in your blood. Your garmento roots.

Like an Irishman saying “no, I just happen to like drinking 10 beers on a Sunday afternoon” as if it’s completely a matter of free will and not ancestry on some level.

No, that's what you want to see because you're a racist piece of shit.

Woah woah, since when did poorly imitating a Colin Quinn joke on the O&A subreddit make someone a racist piece of shit? Jesus, relax.

Jews aren't a race.
They're a vermin.

So you admit jews are a different race!!!

I bet it starts with R and ends with ilian.

actually he tweeted that one of his shirts was running out of stock, blatant lie probably to convince people those shirts are getting sold like hot buns

lol thanks, replied on twitter.

what a maroon.

Countdown to getting blocked by the destroyer?

I will say....within 2 hours.

He replied! https://twitter.com/OpieRadio/status/983022771398692864

The one he's wearing in video is one of 2 shirts I had printed in Brooklyn. We have less than 50 of each shirt still available and when they're all sold I'm not going to print up any more or offer that design. All other designs are yes DIRECT-TO-Garment. Hope this clears it up.

$30 for a shirt/hat and $50 for a hoodie before tax and shipping is a rip-off. Especially when most of his branded shirts are simple one color screens. You could do nice AA shirts, restitched necks, sell them for under 30 and make more per unit. Crazy to me that you would start a direct-to-garment store with 40 items.

also he probably is not in a bad financial situation, why not make it cheaper and try to get a bigger audience that way (something he lacks)

Walking on Greek Orthodox Easter Eggshells.

What is OpieRadio? Where can I find it? These questions can't be answered...

Yes they can.


obviously at the heart of Huntington Village

Gregg Hughes has got to be the cheapest person on the planet.

If I had a radio show, I'd pony up and have about 500-1000 shirts printed up, and sell them for a low price. Probably about ten bucks. Sell them at a price point that a casual fan will buy and wear them. And then you get your brand out there.

For instance, I'm not a raving fan of "In 'n' Out Burger", but I bought a shirt, because it's ten bucks.

So I get a cheap shirt, they get some advertising, it's a win-win.

you are not as smart as you think you are

His orders are so low in volume he's payin top dollar to have only a few shirts printed at a time. Then once he adds his little taste they're grossly overpriced pieces of shit


Where is /u/PatBattle1 when we need him!

Not sure they come in pest sizes, XXXL and above

I bought the brothaman t shirt in 3XL. doesn't fit now but it will after I get my gastric sleeve so no big deal. i'm more upset that they don't have anymore droppin' hammers t shirts since I ripped mine. I love brother elmo but he needs to offer larger sizes and more new designs!

That'a boy

You've been "about to" get that gastric surgery like how Compound Media's been "about to" REALLY take off.

Is his brother still making shirts?

He has his team of rodents do it for him.

I’d love to shit on it, but that’s a decent looking shirt for once.

Fuck off Opie.

You found me out. sniff Did the sniffing give it away? sniff

This is absolute crap, but he has at least finally figured out how to make the "d" in raqio actually look like a "d"

Gosh darn it, I want an opie radio overcoat, and they don't seem to be available

Yeah that would go great with Opie Radio jeans.

He changed the q to a d

No effect on their lives...

Are there any left

He is so hateable.

Category: Meme Collection

Oh great. Meme shirts. Maybe he should cross promote in r/funny.

I refuse to believe this is real.

this has nothing to do with him... is it even legal?

this is the worst thing that's been posted on this forum in months

Why wouldn't you just put the iconic "Hollyweed" sign letters on the shirt, and lose that horribly off-centred photo block?

Does that say fuckin Hollyweed..

hollyweed...doug benson's eyes just lit up

The audacity to even have these printed. What a delusional moron

I think you should trim that to just the t-shirt, and then it should be added to the sidebar.


Whenever I rock my opieradio gear I get an influx of fat dudes whipping out their tits at me.

While supplies last. Aka forever.

Anybody who gives this talentless and dull-as-fuck board op a single penny for his shit "merch" needs to die an excruciatingly painful death.

Lol, browsing through the Terms of Use of his site I come across the following:


12 . Harass, annoy, intimidate, or threaten any of our employees or agents engaged in providing any portion of the Site to you.

Lawyers always include the annoying clause.

Imagine wearing that shirt and having to explain to friends and family what opieradio is.

Nobody who purchases one of these shirts has any famy or friends.

Is this real?

Freedom Tower


He's selling shirts with stock photos on them...

he should be reported to the copyright owners

Well I'm sure he paid for the photos so reporting him would do nothing but cause hassle for everyone involved.

It's just weird that he would sell shirts with other people's photos on them when he's so proud of his own photography...

Ahh. Too bad. I wish him nothing but the worst then.

its still going to be called opie raqio stupid.

He can't even maintain the basic competence of consistent branding. It's always a different random font

Ew and the new York pictures that belong on some college broads dorm wall

If you go to the "contact" page and press f5 after sending a comment, it reloads the page with all the fields already filled in. I've sent about 50 "fuck you"s in the span of a minute

who would fucking wear that?!?!?!??!

I would wear it while my Scorch shirt is in the washer.

No ones ever bought one of those, every basic bulkshit radio show in the country has stupid t-shirts & merch’ printed up to give away to employees, guests & fans at promotional events but Opie is the only idiot who actually tries to sell them.

NGL i like his shirt with the brooklyn bridge on it, never going to pay $50 for it tho

Ditching the "raqio" version?

It's probably not the case, but I really hope Sirius actually owns the rights to the "Opie radio" brand and sues him.

AMA Request: Someone who would actually non-ironically purchase and wear this shit

It's pretty much guaranteed if those shirts are made in sizes S/M/, supplies will last.

Holy shit.

Not sure they come in pest sizes, XXXL and above

I bought the brothaman t shirt in 3XL. doesn't fit now but it will after I get my gastric sleeve so no big deal. i'm more upset that they don't have anymore droppin' hammers t shirts since I ripped mine. I love brother elmo but he needs to offer larger sizes and more new designs!

you are not as smart as you think you are