Ron Bennington is a fat fuck heart attack

0  2018-04-08 by WhippingHuskies

and so are his fans. The fact that you fags think he's tough is hysterical. You're unironic cucks.


Cool story, tell it again.

Ron is a fat faggot. You suburban losers actually think he's tough.

This nigga actually went and told it again.

Well, you DID ask him. It would've been rude not too.

You deserve your situation

I challenge you to a fight.


How many times you gonna make this exact same post?

You’re boring everybody. Shut up.

You think Ron is a tough guy. Faggot.

Nobody thinks Ron is tough. He’d still kick the cunt out of you & your boy Colin though.

No, I'd smack him and he'd call the cops assuming he didn't drop dead from his fat philly heart.

and Ron was terrified of Colin, you could see it in his fat face. Only faggots like you thought he was being honorable.

What is your obsession with this? You're the only one still talking about this under your multiple accounts.

This is my only account. You worship a fat fuck.


My opinion of Ron Bennington is pretty much neutral, and this is going to sound cuntier than I mean it to, because I genuinely have no negative feelings towards him.

But if he’s such a talented guy then why did he never, you know...make it?

He did a sleepy show that no one really listened to. Yeah there are R&F fans of course but I’ve never met anyone outside the O&A mention R&F, know what I mean? meanwhile every one has heard of O&A.

You can say he didn’t care, or he was where he wanted to be (which is what I expect is the case) and I will 100% accept that. Again, I’m not trying to be cunty. It’s just that everyone talks him up like he’s a radio legend, but he’s kind of a nobody.

but if he’s such a talented guy then why did he never, you know...make it?

Just like Patrice, right , stupid?

Nobody knows OnA

He's had a 30-year radio career and dominated every market he's been in. He's quick, funny, and his show now has this low-key and warm sort of vibe, which really works. For me anyway. He is way more knowledgable about music, basic politics, pop culture, film, comedy, sports and a bunch of stuff which makes him far less frustrating to listen to than Stern or Jim & Sam. His commentary and insights are far more informed than just about any comedy show and as much as any news show these days.

I'm starting to think that you don't like Ron

He's done enough Angel Dust to kill a rhino. His heart is the hardest working thing at SiriusXM.

I don't know why Ron is hated on now, that him vs Colin thing was months ago

No one thinks Ron is tough, we just think you’re an obsessed faggot.

The pig is back with his dumb opinions.

Ron hasn't seen his cock in years.

He hasn't used it in that time either.

You think Ron is a tough guy. Faggot.