I hate this cunt so much.

11  2018-04-08 by RBuddCumia


Where does she think this is going to lead her?

The Will

All these bitches he hooks up with are just like Bobo. They all latch onto whatever bullshit the Count is currently pissed off at and ramble incoherently about shit they know nothing about. Whether it be some faggot Twitter beef or his politics.

He’s her sugar daddy, she has to go along with his psycho shit to keep that money coming in

What bitches do for money...

They date men that have had their dicks of the ass of little children. Truly inspiring.

Hashtag Colombophile

Hey! It's that girl that dates that guy who once did that thing. Ohh shes famous.

Dumb cunt. Ant's probably blocked over 1,000 people just this year already. And he doesn't just block them, he takes the time to write them messages about their amount of followers like a 12 year old. jersey trash

He goes out of his waybto check the amount of followers of every single troll.

Does this mean she's back to obscurity? I'm old and confused. I don't understand the rules anymore :(

I bet her vagina smells like a thrift store.

Musty & cheap

Musty & cheap

that's her & sister's school nicknames

He cheated on the teenager with her, so she felt special. Then he cheated on her with Dani Golightly, and she stole credit card, money, expensive camera, trashed his house, and he had her arrested. Now he's back with her and we're supposed to admire her belt.

It will at least be more of a fair fight next time Ant gets blackout and wants to start chomping bitches.

I hate her just as much as Anthony. Dumb turtle faced cunt.

look at that fucking dick protecting faggot stance.

I'll take the Karma hit but Missy is Great. She sets her sights low so she has no problem keeping up with these dudes. Hanging around a collection of Alcoholics makes her Pot smoking seem cute. Where is this going to lead her... Go Fuck Yourself. Compound Media is all about the I could die tomorrow mentality. Degenerate ignorance is my entertainment... It's why I love you all so.

Fuck off, Kierh.

Hey I'll take the Karma hit but calling me Keith, too low man. Keith is Scum. Only Sherrod or Jimmy do I hate more.

But will you take the karma hit?


How do you know anything about her?

All I knew was she's the ex that turned over Anthony, and now she's that girl with the soulless eyes and joker grin from that picture in Yankee Stadium.