Just saw Jim doing the Chip face behind Anthony Keidis at UFC 223.

40  2018-04-08 by BeerDrinkingFool


I can’t rewind the stupid fox sports go app, can someone capture that. He had a hard time keeping character

"Dana, I forgot to wear a Sabbath shirt. Sit me next to someone wearing a rock n' roll shirt, please."

Anthony Kiedis looks like a pedophile.

All Anthonys are.

Anthony kiedis CM

Who's the reggin sitting next to Norton?


They really do all look the same... either that, or white/Anglo people just have an absurd amount of diversity when it comes to face sizes, shapes and layouts..

That’s so fucking funny!!

necc yourself

Kiedis is one of the biggest douches in all of music.

You don't like that sometimes he feels like his only friend?

True. I take my statement back hes a genius

Is he one of those famous dicks that hates being rich and famous that exploits the thing that makes him rich and famous so he can continue to be rich and famous?

I used to work at warner bros records and one time he came in wearing a vest open with no shirt. Hes so cool.

Tell me more juicy insider stuff

I have a television on a t.v. stand in the corner of the living room and I saw he wore a tube sock on his penis.

We were instructed not to look at madonna when she came in. I couldn't resist saying hi once just to see what would happen. Her security guards gave me a death glare. Madonna was actually fine with it and we spoke for a few. She looks like the crypt keeper in person.

James blunt had a hissy fit because he wanted a meeting room but none were available. He threw a pen at me. I said no thanks i have one and thew it away.

I got starbucks with bjork once. She was cool.

Neil young would stop by once in a while. He was friendly. One time he talked about chia pets to me for like 15 minutes. I still dont know why.

I have more stories but im too lazy right now.

That would been cool if you would have ended up fucking Bjork's pussy.

Tell us about that time you helped Pete Townshend with his dark web research.

I wasn't part of the dark web team. I was his photographer for the photo reenactment portion of his documentary. Lets just say there was a lot of bloody diapers by the end of the shoot.

Mike Patton opened up my hate for Kiedis. Still love Blood Sugar Sex Magic because of Flea and Fruciante, but Mike Patton hating Kiedis made me realize how shallow the Chili Peppers were at times.

Kiedis admits to banging a 14 year old when he was in his 20s. It's in his book. Why does he get off the hook for that?

People only care about what they're told to care about


Mr. Bungle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Mr. Bungle rules. They are the only band that just mixes every genre into one song.

Outside of CQ what does this sub actually enjoy?



Indeed sniff

Kratom seems to be popular

Hebrew tits


Naked black women

Secretly loving the whole O&A universe.


His dad was one of the coke dealers in the Xmas tree scene in Lethal Weapon.

Yeah? Whats he done lately?

Buttfucked your mother, made your father lick her shit off his dick.
She had to have sushi and chili, that fucking pig.

He did all those things? So you just watched or did he tell you about it after?

It was a special live event on Netflix.

HA HA, Holy Shit!!

Haha! Only a stand-up veteran (and never a civilian) would ever think of pulling a face on camera!

Jim is such a hacky faggot now, god damn. Our little baby boy needs to be put down.

Kill Nim Jorton for humanity

Good thing Flea isn't there, I would be all itchy and shiznit.

I fucking hate him

can we please be done with chip? it was barely funny to begin with and then it was only because he was interacting with people who didnt know his gimmick. it makes zero fucking sense to be laughing at chip when everyone in the room is in on the joke. ohh he is wearing a stupid hat and is making faces o0o0o. OMG HE RIPPED ON OPIE!!11 DVV DVV

it was barely funny to begin with

It was great in the beginning. The Chip audio compilation along with Colin trashing Vos and Jimmy are the best things to come out of the show.

People only care about what they're told to care about