God I hate this retards facial expressions.

12  2018-04-07 by RBuddCumia


he is a little hobbit but for his defense no one looks good in a freeze frame shot in the middle of a sentence

Rogan is the most irrelevant person on his own podcast. I have no idea how he became the nr1 podcast guy. He isnt funny and doesnt know about anything except mma.

thats the point idiot. interview style podcast format pretty much relies on the guest being the point of interest.

But he cant even interview. I guess he works as sort of an idiot asking entry level questions and getting simplified answers

Because he is just barely contrarian enough to spark a discussion and shares half-baked viewpoints that self-righteous reddit faggots can piggyback and regurgitate to their dumbass friends to sound smart, rlly fucking cancer.

He doesn't even know about mma, remember this is the retard who claimed Ronda Rousey would beat Floyd Mayweather.

But dmt bro

Also jamie pull that up

I think a lot of it has to do with him being an early adopter of podcasting He started with justin.tv and was live streaming before most people.

He's like a guy that bought bitcoin in 2010

Che did nothing wrong

He killed some mexicans

Who hasn’t?

They were the island mexicans like Marco Rubio or half of Ted Cruz

Nice podcast, stupid.

Calls someone a retard.

Fucks up the grammar in title of post calling someone a retard.

Fuck that commie beret wearing faggot and the rest of his ilk.

He looks like if Artie ever did any form of physical fitness in his entire life.

He killed some mexicans