The Island With Bear Grylls Season 2.....

4  2018-04-07 by literalotherkin

Is fucking hilarious. Season 2 is a male and a female island. You can probably guess how they're both doing. If you're bored and looking for something to watch then try it. I'm up to episode 4 and the girls have spent two days just walking around in circles with periodic screaming matches.


Your mom told me her pussy hurts when I hit it so hard.


Dvv dvv. I fucked your mom.

If only you could see my mum. :)

Mum? What are you British? Fuck off. Go to a dentist.

Aussie! Cunt we have good teeth m8!

Fix your ozone hole. You country is lousy with skin cancer. Get well soon 🤒

Fawk yeah! Whadda you, fawkin ride a... uh... a fawkin... Kwala bear da work asumtin? Tsss

Mum? What are you British? Fuck off. Go to a dentist.

I hate the term "redpilled" but it's a very eye opening season. We all know men are better at practically everything but one thing I noticed - and this is true in real life situations too - Women talk about sex more than men. I remember the women making all sorts of dick and ball jokes/references and when you get a group of guys they talk about all sorts of other shit. I think it's because men actually have hobbies and interests and when it comes down to it women are just interested in sex and gossip. Men conduct themselves like life is a problem to solve and women conduct themselves like life is a game to win. Aside from one or two of the women, they're all pretty vapid and have dick on the brain at all times. Plus the production team had to save their asses more than once.

Yeah it's really fascinating. Good points. I also watch Naked and Afraid which contains similar insights. On your point about women and sex I agree. You see it in art as well. Female 'artists' tend to be obsessed with their own body or other bodies. Male artists tend to be more interested in abstractions.

I couldn't believe that Bear just GAVE THEM a fucking new bow drill in episode 6. Wouldn't that be a fail state in any other world? If they can't make their own, then they failed and get to go home.

He probably didn't want to be called a wammen hater. He got a lot of shit about how the show was 'sexist' and other garbage.

Probably. Although from what I have seen, he gave them at least one more LIFE SAVING TOOL then the men received.

Just watching episode 9, and they got handed a free fish? wth man...