Welp, the Feds shut Backpages down...

24  2018-04-07 by Single_Action_Army

Jim Norton and I will be in mourning.

Just glad the government is there to police people for ammoral crimes like sex while they exploit the drug addicted for profit in the prison industrial complex (maaaaaaahn)


I saw this. Any other alternatives you’re aware of aside from Eros?

Nothing at the moment, my good sir. I'll look around.
And fuck Eros. They're like $500 minimum.

Yeah. I’ve never used it because looks too pricey. BP was good for the massage section where you could find erotic massages, often with “extras.”


When I used Backpages and Eros I double check them here for reviews, it's the best: https://www.theeroticreview.com

http://usaadultclassifieds.info is where all the local whores around here went.

Nothing was better than red book though. Someone else needs to start that up offshore.

Another sneaky win for the Church of Scientology.

Time to go back to driving around the block to find ladies that smell like crack and stale cigarettes to blow you in a rat infested alley.

Oh so you are driving distance to the Heart of Huntington Village?

Like my buddy, ol' Cruisin' Collin

“ hrumpf. You kids need a ride then uh why don’t you climb in stupid.”

This country and it's citizens have become way too immoral. Unironically thinking the lack of family unit, religion, and respect for one another is degrading this society

Fuck you and fuck society .

edgelord over here watch out

You think we're all a bunch of zombie killers! You're the murders man, you and your whole sick so-ciety!

Shut up faggot.

You forgot that we need to venerate the entrepreneur



You probably blow your dog you duplicitous holier than thou fuck

That's true.

But what does all of that have to do with prostitution?

Even Jesus didn't judge whores, Mary of Magdalene was one.

I blame the Jews.

rub maps still a thing??

Shit's inaccurate as hell

someone needs to actually take that formula and do it right

not a whore guy, but the idea seemed genius on paper

"Weather?" I refuse to take whore advice from a PeRsOn oF loWeR StoCK


TER is now blocking US IP addresses now as well.

All the sites I’ve been using are shut down. It’s a travesty.

How many times has it been shut down? This is the third time I’ve heard it in the past few years.

Dave Smith's right; we'd be better off without government.

Without a government, people like Dave Smith would be traded as a rape doll for a small sack of potatoes before being beaten to death for the fillings in his teeth.

And you're saying there's a problem with that?

Heavens no. Bring on The Road.

If he’s jewish I doubt it, those people are survivors

He's one of those rare dumb Jews, like Vos. He doesn't own any portable wealth - diamonds, gold etc - and is as cunning as a veal calf. He would be killed on day 2 of the breakdown.

dude, Vos beat crack addiction, not he has diamonds n cars. wife kids, and his fans love him

Vos aint a dumb jew

I love Vos. These are jokes. Relax

guess i forgot got to larf

25 years without a drink or drug in his body.

What kind of fag libertarian doesn’t have gold?

And anyone who thinks gold will suddenly take on value in the event of a breakdown has Dave Smith levels of cunning.

Doesn't he sleep on Oinkerson's couch? He doesn't have anything.

Just glad the government is there to police people for ammoral crimes like sex while they exploit the drug addicted for profit in the prison industrial complex (maaaaaaahn)

You're right despite the irony.

I know those fucking cunts


guess i forgot got to larf