Says the high school dropout.

16  2018-04-06 by RBuddCumia


Didn't he get accepted into 3 schools?

Fake news, liberal conspiracy, I'm still hilarious, how many followers do you have on your egg account, haha back to obscurity with you.

This is a 60 year old man bitching about a 17 year olds tweets. Just think about how absurd that is for a second.

Well to be fair with Ant this kid is a pretentious pompous faggot.

Go ahead Ant, attack that libtard 16 year old kids sensitive tweet! Fucking who does he think is, talking shit about guns just because his school was just shot up, fucking pussy.

Yeah, who does he think he is? He couldn't wait for Rigor-Mortis to set in on his dead school-mates before he was on tv spewing his bullshit and getting his much wanted attention.

David Hogg is a liar, a bullshitter, a fame-whore and best of all, NRA's best propaganda-medium along with that Communist-dyke.

Is calling someone a communist still an insult in 2018?

It should be.

I always see you post the most typical liberal comments, no surprise you would defend Hogg. He’s definitely not doing it for the attention

I always post typical liberal comments?? I’m actually pretty conservative but I guess it all depends on your definition of liberal & conservative. Are we talking normal Giuliani conservative or this new “conservative” movement that would make Hitler blush? If you’re talking race wars, conspiracies, Jews are trying to destroy the white blonde hair blue eyed straight Christian male etc. then I guess I’m a liberal then.

Quit kidding yourself, you constantly tell people to go back to the Donald over stupid shit and like I said, make extremely typical liberal comments. I can see your comment history, why lie


This is a leftist subreddit, sir.

Nope, just 3-4 fags who love letting their hot takes out

I think you got it the other way around buddy, not saying their are a lot of leftist here but it’s always the same dozen or so far-right people posting the same unfunny bullshit. All the posts are devoid of humor & they actually get triggered over stupid shit on here, like when people were praising OJ’s lawyer _M. I know there’s people who agree with guys on this sub but isn’t there an easier echo chamber you guys can post on, because apparently you can’t handle that not all former fans of the radio show Opie & Anthony uniformly share your beliefs.

Keep lying to yourself, I’ve seen your comments before lol.

6 year olds?... is that the preferred age Mr. Cumia?

He's got numerous grammar and style errors in this tweet, criticizing a child who didn't like getting shot at.

Getting shot at.

The faggot was home and rode his bike to school to film and become a victim.

wasn't there a video of him and someone hiding in a closet talking about the shooting, they verbally timestamped it as 9 something but the shooting happened at 11?

after the vegas shit which was super fucking sketchy i don't care about finding out the tricky details anymore

he'd know all about writing valentine's cards to mommy, the fucking Oedipus

What does this bitter old man have against positive reactions with mommies?

He never got one.

Reminds of the tale of the brave knight who goes off and fights the dragon with only love and then they snuggle.

Going after the media's darling child? That's a bannin.

The Cumia is wrong though, that's the kind of shitty bs-writing that gets the teachers panties wet. Doesn't matter what you write, as long as you write the right opinions and the teachers will give you good grades in those kind of subjects.

Can confirm, I won a school essay contest and a poetry contest by writing shit like that.

The best is when you can tell a professors political leanings and then pander to them in essays, schools a joke

It's obvious why this old man can't find gainful employment. This run on drivel can only be compared to a 14 year olds rage-fuelled post to /pol/. He's trying to be inspirational. He's failing miserably.

This kid almost didn’t finish HS because of a nut with a gun.

Ant didn’t finish HS because of gym.

That’s not even a reasonable retort. What did he say that was wrong?

Why does a 65 year old man even care about a teenager talking about teenage stuff? He's arguing with a 17 year old. Not even with but at.

Just ignore that shit.

An old fag making comments about a young fag

David Hogg and his his faggot 70 pound grey alien frame can get fucked.

Anthony couldn’t pass HS in the 60's when all you had to do was show up.

How many twitter followers would Ant have had at age 17? Surely this kid would dwarf him. Back to obscurity with you.

Not to mention, this is the sappy shit white guys HAVE to say to even be considered for acceptance in some schools. You better leave your nuts in a jar of you wanna make it in some schools. You can't disrupt their little fantasy echo chamber

More insane child like ramblings. They think they can wish him away with their feeeeelings. Dopes.

Again get past your hate of Anthony. He is not wrong.

You probably support Drumpf too. I can't even...