Why this ad?

0  2018-04-06 by AyeThatsAGoodNagger


Probably because she’s not funny and needs some Jew connection at Google to pimp her shitty, narcissistic movie. Can’t spread naturally by word of mouth because no one will be talking about it, so it has to be shoved down the goyim’s throats somehow.

You get online ads based on what you search. jacktard

Yeah, I know that dummy. But the point is that there’s a Google ad at all. Google puts out ads when shit is so bad, they have to make sure the first thing you see when you search for it is an endorsement. I Googled the names of 4 other actors/directors with movies out now and none of them have a Google ad: https://imgur.com/a/vBX0S

You're fucking stupid and Amy Schumer is fat.