I press play and immediately tune out the show. I can't even listen to this shit long enough to criticize it.

7  2018-04-06 by eikekaeMaan

At least the opie show had mad cuban and sherrod and vic saying shit that was so over the top rapid fire it almost bled through like a throwaway patrice line. Plus their fake laughing was more comforting you felt like you where hanging out when you tuned out of the opie show. You tune out of the aa show you only listen when artie makes a joke in a way that you mistake him for threatening you. Its like an instinctual thing I can not really pay attention to this shit anymore and when I do listen it takes effort to pay attention to what amounts to amusing back and forth and nothing more. They play clips and then back to just nothingness.


I press play on Jim and Sam... and then kick out the stool; True Bliss my friends. Burning Bridges is Compounds best feature, followed by In Hot Water.

Brooks was here.

Amen brother. ‘Your Welcome’ is also a guilty pleasure of mine

Is In Hot Water as bad as they say?

I Love Geno. I Love Aaron when he calls into Burning Bridges. In Hot Water seems like a tight 18 minute set stretched to an hour.

If you listened to either one of those shows, you’re retarded. Neither of them are good in any way, or for any reason.

I can’t understand people who listen to more then the occasional “drama” fodder clip from either show

People keep linking shit episodes like “oh this is classic O&A level stuff”, I have no idea what they referencing because no new show that has callers in anything like classic O&A, or even old school shock jock radio

it’s not just riffing, its story lines and character development that create “theatre of the mind”

people have low ass standards