Sam Roberts twitter fans are worse than Opie and Ant twitter fans

24  2018-04-06 by StraightOuttaContra


He's not a favorite personality in the WWE. He's despised. We have no idea of knowing what a top radio program on satellite radio is since they give us no data to verify that as "civilians." They themselves may not even know. I can tell you with facts and figures to back it up what the highest rated shows on television are but I have no idea if 2 million people or 200,000 or 10,000 people listen to Jim and Sam. We can just make reasonable guesses.

A favorite to fucking who!?

Guarantee this is Bobbys account, that's his dumb moms name right?

You know what, duuuuuuude, you got your dumpster womb, you got your coddling, ya got your coffee, BOOM. Two gay sons, duude.

I really hope there is a terrorist attack at WrestleMania. It would solve a whole lot of problems.

As long as Bliss isn't there I agree.

bliss i could go without

becky lynch, on the other hand...harrumph

Lotta problems in that ring sniff

I hope this person gets flayed.

It's like an amagalmation of every pedophile and vacuum saleman put together.

Amalgam, stupid

You set that amalgamation of shit right, y'hear.

This Jim Morton ass nigga stealin catchphrases and shit, next thing you know he'll be givin advice and saying "That's tough man."

Congrats to Sam on being the pre-Wrestlemania backstage fluffer.


That Carlos Cabrera fella looks a lot like Sam Roberts.

The only good part of him being on wwe pre shows is he can't hide his horrible rabbit teeth like he does in radio and people can get hideous secreenshots that anger him.

(#)Dopeshit indeed

His mom wrote that shit. There is no way this faggot has even one fan. I hope he dies

Sam's New name should be Carlos Cabrera

he must get the hardest dick ever for high school reunions.

Whoever wrote that is fucking retarded. I have literally never heard of one wrestling fan that likes that mongoloid looking idiot

I have never heard of a wrestling fan that is not like a mongoloid looking idiot

Both of those things are still true.