Slip it in jim and let em in sammie rebel by aggressively supporting the establishment

4  2018-04-06 by eikekaeMaan

Its hip to be square. Jim overcompensates for not going after the sacred cows by acting like some old man telling you to put down the conspiracies. Think about it its like Sinclair radio these pieces of shit. We waste hours of our time for these people to rattle on in such a way its almost like they are freemasons or some kind of wrongthink reveiw. If they think something is controversial they take the side of big buisness or the appropriate social political side. and sam gets off on saying shit like "there are no true rebels anymore ahaha"They think its cool to say "have fun now but eventually everyone will have to print their name before they make little comments." The last thing I need is a bald sadist telling me how to think. They are gatekeeping assholes. Also ask troy about his cthulhu tattoos because its a real cult


Jim used to be a renegade, and used to fool around. But he couldn’t take the punishment, and had to settle down. It’s not too hard to figure out. You see it every day. Those like Jim who used to go the farthest out, have gone the other way. There’s no denying that.

What the fuck are you on about man?

Sam buying movies on itunes is what I am talking about.

Now you're just being deliberately vague.

I actually explicitly mentioned what I belive the root issue is and that is of course obediance to the judeo-masonic elite. Specifically freemasonry and while fez wore a fez and is a jolly guy he clearly had some demons and thats one example. Fez had todd and he had fez like jim has jim chip his profane alter. Uncle paul pedo alter persona. Even opie had a charecter of a guy in a hood that was short lived. Jim is acting more and more of this usher of sorts into compliance with the state of the world. One of the joke at the patrice roast was that jim supported isreal in front of jew moguls and went home and fapped to mein kampf. He slips in little sort of clever ways to be obedient. He was talking about fucking the world getting together and dancing to solve the worlds problems you cant say that as jim norton we all know without something fishy going on. Wasnt sleepy jimmy a hit? Sleepy jimmy was something ant would say like a gay lover when jim was being silly. Now sleepy jimmy is like a pouting sort of thing. He couldn't kike out in front of vos a close friend who can read him like Patrice almost. Vos asked why he didnt go to the phones if he was tired. Why didnt he go to the phones if he was tired its like the jim phillips raid when he had to not go the phones. He is acting like he got called out for skinning babies and hoping people think he is not actually skinning babies.

Mate, no chance am I reading that heap of shite.

they take shots at what they are allowed to. They are afraid to critisize david hogg and emma gonzalez. They never make any real gut laughs because they are pussies. They are funny like a shitty commercial is funny. Jim might aswell be a guy in a t-mobile commercial amazed at how great the tech sam is doing. Throw in some minorities and play the ukulele commercial music they have sold the fuck out.

Your writing is retarded.

Mate, no chance am I reading that heap of shite.