Find an instance where Dave smith talks about politics where he doesn't shoehorn the fact that he reads. Protip: you cant

1  2018-04-06 by Jimonorton

Theres nothing wrong about reading but it's not the be all end all he pretends to be. There's literature out there arguing every retarded point under the sun. You still have to make a good point.


Not to mention absorbing all your ideologies from the same few books forgoes the intellectual struggle people go through when actually learning something. Instead you place that burden on somebody else's words you like the look of before parroting the same rhetoric disguised as original thoughts.

Tldr - Dave Smith is a pretentious, unoriginal bore.

I’d go further and venture to say that he doesn’t read very much since he’s always mentioning the same, obvious, books. And of them, half of those books would be in any liberal arts/social science college curriculum, and the other half are specifically from and about a libertarian philosophy Smith seemed to choose, like a sports team, in 2008 because Ron Paul “blew his mind”. The guy’s a joke except he’s not funny.

So he is sort of like Brian Griffen where he regurgitates talking points but doesn't know much

Maaaaaaaan if you can't see the the the way Dr Ron Paul challenged the system maaaaaaaan I mean at time were a black guy was president maaaan he was throwing people in a fucking cage maaaaaaaan for fucking plant maaaaaann then you are a statist maaaaan

You're glib Matt

That would mean listening to Dave Smith so no thank you.