Conor McGregor attacks bus full of UFC fighters, injures one in heated scuffle

15  2018-04-05 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


And the aspies in the mma sub haven't figured out this is just marketing for the eventual Conor-Khabib fight in August.

It’s worth noting that, despite White's claims, the NYPD confirmed to Fox News that it does not currently have a warrent out for Mr. McGregor's arrest.

It's still real to me dammit

I can't wait for Conor's limo to explode.

Dana White also said "Conor is in jail. He's done". Neither of the two is true. He might be done throwing things for today but he's not been released by the UFC. White is easily the worst ringmaster ever.

White is a faggot, for sure. We get the game he’s playing at, he’s just a toe head when he talks.

This is real

unless Michael Chiesa sues him.

unless Michael Chiesa blows him.

Dude made at least $30 million for his last fight. If he has to settle for half a mill with a 30k a fight fighter, it won't kill him.

There is a lot that can go on now. At least 2 fights have been cancelled. Chiesa and Borg have injuries from the attack and are probably going to sue. Their opponents who also lost the PPV money could conceivably sue Conor too. The police want Conor for questioning and they're in a state that just legalized MMA less than 2 years ago.The UFC isn't going to be happy about this disaster and I see them using it as leverage against Conor in whatever future negotiations they have. Conor fucked up really badly.

For what its worth the NYPD isnt shy about making an example out of a celebrity.

Watch the first interview with Dana, they ask him if he would still do business with Conor and he says... not right now, then a bunch of nonsense. He can't even pretend that he wouldn't still have Conor on a PPV, way too much money to turn down.

But that doesn't make this whole affair a publicity stunt, though. Conor is doing serious damage to the brand the UFC has built and is becoming a very negative face for global MMA. There are plenty of countries where the UFC would like to legalize MMA and Conor is not helping that at all.

It was funny watching everyone say it's just a publicity stunt and now he's in police custody for questioning. If they push a felony at all, he could possibly be barred from ever entering the country again.

Last I read, he was being charged with assault

That update came out right after. Felony criminal mischief is the biggest charge.


You don't think they'd have to follow up with shit like a police report? TMZ reported it as real. Do you think they're in on it?

"Uh you're gonna wanna Google: black helicopters, globalists, Conor McGregor, JFK"

What are you talking about?

How's the cotton candy? Have you rode the Himalaya yet? A misdemeanor vandalism charge is worth the massive buyrates a Khabib-Conor PPV would bring to this stale and desperate UFC.

So you're saying they told Connor to do it and take the charge? Then have Dana come out with that statement?

UFC is stale?


Not at all. All I'm saying is that Dana White has more knowledge about TWA Flight 800 than he leads us to believe.

Except Michael Chiesa got cut and now his fight is off, so Pettis isn't fighting. Artem's too. I guess they were all in on it too? Conor doesn't need help selling fights, this is retarded.

Khabib is going to fuck him up so bad.

BBC just reported they got an arrest warrant out for Connor. Are they in on it too? You fags are just like the conspiracy theorists. Thinking you got the inside scoop.

Sky news, TMZ, BBC all saying its legit. Are they all just rubes?

Yeah but it too legit to quit? That's all I wanna know.

Not a single window anything more than cracked, yet someone had their flesh torn to shreds like their were in a Hell Raiser movie?

There's video of it on Eddie bravos Instagram.

What video did you watch? The window was shattered

oh you mean the one with the safety glass that fell apart like a game of Connect 4?

Yes, the one you said was only cracked

no, that's the windshield that was only cracked. The side glass isn't going to cut anyone up because it turns into tiny rocks when it breaks.

Tempered glass will absolutely cut you. Won't give any deep gashes or anything life threatening. And i would agree that whoever went to the hospital for that was a pussy looking to sue mcgregor

Ray Borg claims to have glass in his eyes

Well that doesn't sound fun at all

You’re just a fucking retard is all.

Will Jim Morton eviscerate this fffffffffuckin sssssssscumbag, or will it be tough, man?

sssssssscumbag repeated 7 times in 20 seconds im sure

This submissive, socially anxious fruit? He can't even ask for a photograph, he just goes back to exaggeratedly chewing his fucking sunflower seeds

he prolly got a small rodent in that mug

He has zero social confidence. He can go on stage in front of thousands of people and make them laugh, but he has zero social acuity one on one. How?

I forgot he did a UFC podcast.

question.... why does jim norton do a ufc podcast?

Real Ass Dude

Nothing more than jacked Kardashians doing stunts. MMA is gay.

My post just got removed in the the MMA sub when I told a guy his opinion was mad faggy cause he wanted Connor to be removed from MMA but if he has to fight he hopes his jaw gets broke.

Don't care if Michael Chiesa's lacerations or any of that shit. Coked up McGregor is an entertaining little bugger.

Its a tough one man. There is no way I see this leading to a fight in Russia with Kabib for the championship and Dana making a fuck ton of money for him and the leprecoon...again.

What happened, I tapped out half way through?

Oh shit this is real?

I was hoping this was another Vos plug...

Reeks of pro wrestling. You're telling me there wasn't a single heavyweight there who couldn't have solved that 150 pound Irish problem in 5 seconds?

There was like 15 coked up Irish men there.

Thanks. That makes a little more sense.

He wants to be fired so he can enjoy his fortune and would be the best excuse to not have to fight Khabib or Ferguson.

Publicity stunt, just like the rest of his career

The mma sub is full of such pussies. I think it's hilarious, motherfucker flies n from Ireland to throw a fucking dolly at a bus full of professional fighters and ruins 3 of the fights tomorrow.

That shit is classic.