Owen Benjamin Banned From Twitter

34  2018-04-05 by VitruvianJay

Somebody posted a video recently of Joe Rogan vs. Anthony Cumia commenting on Owen Benjamin's Twitter. One of them told him to knock it off, the other told him HAHA HOLEE SHIT. I'll let you figure out which is which.

Well, looks like he's been banned. Count Cumia claims another.


Here the description of podcast which just came out : Owen Benjamin, who has had a successful career in entertainment, has been having problems with venues canceling on him after rival comedians report him for unapproved thoughts (none of which is actually unreasonable or outside the bounds of legitimate comedy, but you knew that). Opponents even invent things about Owen, or create bot accounts on Twitter to make him look bad. It's crazy.   We recorded this interview 48 hours before it aired. Since that time, Owen's Twitter account@OwenBenjamin -- has been suspended, and his ability to livestream on his YouTube channel has been revoked.  

Cool description “of podcast that just came out”

Yeah I should listen maybe

Or tell us which podcast you're talking about.

Episode 1128 of the Tom Woods Show. Owen Benjamin speaks in a lot of generalities and it is fairly mundane if you've listened to any JRE or any other comedian talk about how freedom of speech is important. The podcast description is just interesting as anything in the show, can't really recommend it.

Tom Woods is a PhD historian and a self-described "square," so bland comedians like Owen Benjamin and Dave Smith are able to trick him into thinking that they're interesting and successful. He is still naively curious about "the comedy craft," which anyone who listens to comedy podcasts likely got sick of years ago.

Isn't the free market just great, my fellow cuckservatives.

Businesses can make their own decisions about how their property, such as communication networks, are used? Better socialize the internet to protect free speech, CUCKS! We can certainly trust the government to stand up for conservative speech!

Are you a "bear"?

More on the twink side

unless you own a bakery and are forced to make gay cakes

Bakers aren't forced to make gay cakes.

I try to like Owen, but he brought this on himself.

He is an art fag who was raised by art fags and grew up loving the art fag life, he went to school and studied to keep being an art fag, he chose a career ao he could be in a culture of art fags and was relatively successful at it, all while seeming to try to be a decent guy. Then he said kids shouldnt be given hormone blockers and all the art fags turned on him, and the only ones who would give him airtime or positive attention were guys like ant and crowder, so he put all that art faggery into being a conservative, and it is a terrible combo, especially from this spastic try hard. He has been acting like a chick who got dumped and cant stop publicly crowing about how much she loves fucking her new man, in the hopes of making her ex jealous or angry or anything really. So Owen did everything he could to get his old friends and L.A. crowd angry, then when he gets predictably banned, he acts the suprised victim.

Its fucking weak and gross, he refused to try and make the point without saying slurs and no no words like a spoiled child (or a Cumia). Now he will claim the leftist are trying to silence him and take food out of his kids mouths, and will take zero responsibility for what is own doing (also like a Cumia).

Say “art fag” one more time retard.

That seems unnecessary and mean

Sorry, I’m petty & I assumed you downvoted my first comment so I attacked like the savage I am when I feel that I’ve been slighted. Btw I’m a “fly-off-the handle” Italian who will break things & scream when my girl doesn’t make sauce exactly like my mother does, even though she’s also Italian she makes her sauce from a different region where her family is from but it’s not what I’m used to & I can’t have that.

Whats with you italians and the obsession with italy and your kids dating italians and all this inbreeding type behavior? Care to comment?

You ever have cousin pussy? There’s nothing like it.

Due respect, I’m a comic and we run art fags out in their first year. No exceptions.

Dmitri Martin has a clever drawing on an easel he'd like to show you.

Brainfags get to stay. We like having a cheap lawyer around when things inevitably go to shit due to our own bad behavior.

Look out, we've got a non-civilian over here.


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Isn't the existence of "no no words" a problem in and of itself? I'm pretty sure many great comedians have used "no no words" in great bits. He actually wasn't banned for using "no no words," he was banned for attacking David Hogg. He's been harrassed in real life over a humorous song that uses a "no no word."

Owen can certainly be annoying, but he's also often funny and is more genuine and honest than most comedians.

Why the fuck would you try to like Owen??

As akward and try hard as he is, he seems like he tries to be a good dude

Who? I don’t trust people whose name sounds like two last names. They’re usually fudge packers like Anderson Cooper. Also, I don’t like blacks.

Aren't Owen and Benjamin both first names?

I only know who he is cause he was on Bar Rescue once


Owen and Ant think they're two renegades fighting against the machine that's trying to ruin America... But in reality they're two idiots who can't handle everything not going perfectly for them and throwing tantrums because of it.

Show me either one of them owning anything they've done, please.... At least Opie acknowledges that he has some issues. Ant/Owen would have you think they're fat dicked scholars.

is the pendulum swinging back the other way?

People have been waiting for that fucking pendulum for 70 years. Hasn't happened yet.

At least Opie acknowledges that he has some issues.

I beg your pardon?

Opie Having any self-awareness whatsoever High Opie, how's the podcast going?

I like Owen. He's funny. Makes me laugh.

He wanted to be banned at this point. People are looking at it like a badge of honour these days. Fuck these guys and their Twitter. Anyone who obsesses over social media is either a fag or a girl. Or sometimes both.

You know when you're over the target when you start taking flack.

He's been tearing the radical Marxist left to shreds and they can't fucking stand it. So now they're doing what the Marxist left does to anyone who engages in wrong-think, CENSOR! CENSOR! CENSOR!

Businesses can make their own decisions about how their property, such as communication networks, are used? Better socialize the internet to protect free speech, CUCKS! We can certainly trust the government to stand up for conservative speech!

unless you own a bakery and are forced to make gay cakes

Bakers aren't forced to make gay cakes.