Owen Benjamin's Twitter account gets suspended after he starts fucking with David Hogg

6  2018-04-05 by dmix


His tweets that went 'viral': https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZ8MDvBVwAISNIS.jpg

Yesterday he posted a song called "Soyboy" @ David Hogg... I saw he was getting attacked in every tweet by Hogg fanboys with things like "#resistance" in their twitter bios.

It's hilarious how these guys get destroyed, you can't mess the liberal Twitter "elite".

Thank god Twitter employees are out there keeping us all safe from parody songs!


shit, looks like the Soyboy song was from 4 months ago, all the Hoggers thought it was made for him lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG_z6HdfS50

Who and who?

I've only seen those two names on this sub so I'll go ahead and assume they are two irrelevant faggots.

Yeah, who's the fag talking about about some dude's pubes? I assume he's some high school badass right?

Owen Benjamin stinks, and I don't like him. Don't like David Hogg, either. In fact, all of twitter can go take a hike. If everyone is so offended by mean tweets or by "liberal twitter", then just stop using it. To quote Jim Florentine, "what are you all, five? and doesn't my wife love getting plowed by cops?"

it is useful. no one said twitter is not useful or fun. the problem is the Orwellian censorship, guy.

College is gay btw

He isn't wrong. Faggot indoctrination centers that only teach you debt.

Yahhhhh maaannn

The gay college part made me laugh.

Owen Benjamin is a faggot but I hate David Hogg more so this really is a tough one, man.

good fuck that gun grabbing faggot, he should have been shot

He has the perfect head for a .223.

tweeting at a kid about his pubic hair probably isn't the best look.

Yeah kinda weird why is he thinking about that fags pubes

Oh yeah? Tell that to Brother Joe.

wow, you're a clever one. give hitler your guns.

Wait, I'm confused, was David Hogg actually at the school when the incident happened, or did he ride his bike there when he heard about it?

Yes he got on his bike and rode to the school after he heard there was a shooting (which lasted 4 minutes) and managed to somehow enter the school and hide in a closet with other kids. Makes minus zero sense, but that's official narratives for you.

That can’t be the story. How is no one questioning that

Very few people are and its perplexing. Just google "David Hogg rode to school" and you'll find videos of him saying it.

Then there's this (I only have links from twitter at hand atm) https://twitter.com/sc13riz/status/979476515187544064 which makes this video extremely interesting https://twitter.com/HenryMakow/status/979199699625435136

Why do you ignore the video he took during the shooting and shared online moments after it happened?

Are you really that much of a conspiracy guy that you'd rather completely ignore actual facts to push your bullshit theory?

I might have got the timeline mixed up as I already conceded. Are you talking about this fishy as hell propaganda piece that was filmed DURING while they were hiding? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5w5dxx8mGo

It’s not the story, it’s bullshit. I get it, this kid is a gun grabbing douche and all, but holy shit when did everyone become a conspiracy retard about everything.

What do you make of the link I posted with the video above? People are becoming "conspiracy retards" for good reason.

That’s not what he said. Look at the full interviews. He claims he was in science class when the shooting occurred, and his classmates corroborate that. The “got on his bike” line comes from him talking about going back to the school at 6pm, hours after the shooting.

That may be, but are you just gonna ignore the other stuff I posted? Do you not smell any bullshit with this whole thing? Do you trust the mockingbird media? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKvOFylrK9c

I’m not ignoring anything, just addressing one point.

Fair point too if it's correct. I couldn't find the full interview on YT to see for myself.

I think it's important to keep asking questions. I haven't had time to look too far into this one, beyond this one point, but I will check out your videos.

Do you realize how much of a tool you are?

Supposedly he was there when the shooting happened, afterward he left to get his camera and then rode his bike back. I dunno if it's true but that's the official story

Sick of reading about both of these fags. This is just going to make Benjamin worse he'll treat this like he's some sort of free speech martyr

He’s up to almost $5k/mo on his Patreon. This is all by design.

i dont get it

Someone acts like a jerk. Dares people to boycott him. Gets boycotted. Bitches and moans about it

you asked for it. why are you crying now?!

What don't you get?

"you asked for it. why are you crying now?!"

thought i made that pretty clear. he literally asked for it. he literally said boycott me. now hes complaining that the boycott is ruining his livelihood

well ya shouldve thought about that before ya dared folks to boycott you

You made it clear. I guess I just couldn't believe you don't understand what he is doing. He asked for it because he wanted it. People won't care about or remember that part. Next is getting people like you to believe that he is actually hurt or offended by it. Now it's going to rain cash on him. Tune into his next YouTube stream for 5 minutes and see for yourself. His biggest miscalculation is that he's going to lose Rogan as an ally and that promotion is priceless.

Hahaha he totally is!! He tried to challenge rogan on the don cheadle thing in that last podcast and Rogan looked at him like he was fucking retarded hahahaha and what’s better is Owen will make a play at rogan and Rogan is going to shut that sh@* down just like when he made crowder look like a little B@% for his politicized views on weed. I’m sure he’s going to do great on YouTube while they’re unsubscribing the sh@ out of people and not notifying when videos go up. And he’s still got that ultimate marketing tool Facebook to access young fresh racist 30-45 year olds. You may think he’s some bastion of free speech but the people actually going to his shows super happy that he’s just making it ok to say the fucked up sh@* they really want to say and believe. He’ll have an audience of fuckfaces and thank god he’s too dumb to figure out reddit. Probably would’ve been here with a bear subreddit by now.

He's going to make easily a grand on his next YT stream. The Bears (fucking yuck) are going to put his kids through college.

They're both faggots.

Probably not the best idea to tweet about a minors pubes, Owen

When keeping it real goes wrong.

Somebody should pull a youtube at twitter hq

"Anyway, when did you grow pubes? College is gay btw. Enjoy gay college. LOL."

Strong, thoughtful, fact-filled debate. The right has all the best intellectuals.

So now we're just whatching as they are so open in their agenda. Retards, idiots have now the idea how these transparent in for the strong-minder. Inclusive abour con what a joke. What about black men? You bet works? All this is red-pilling away and exposing from their hubris, liberal thent betray our Constitution.

Good. Fuck that bear shit. It's a blatant wink to closeted fags, just like the whole Proud Boys thing.

What’s wrong with being a closeted fag?

First of all he's a liar, which is never good and makes you one of the biggest hypocrites on Earth. Then he's lying about something that hugely defines how he conducts his life, which is weird in a society where he doesn't have to do that. And he's married with kids, and if he's bisexual and has sex with his unknowing wife too, he brings home all the closeted aids he gets on the road. They're bad people and it's fucked up.

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Are there any young philippino boys who like gay sex on thefeedster.com?

Without twitter, there's a good chance he kills himself or someone else.

We can only hope

Lol, so Owen dares Hoggboi to boycott his nobody self, and then when Twitter suspends his account he goes crying how they're fucking with his livelihood? This is just too funny, what a dummy.

dafaq is a soyboy?

i was called that recently and seriously dont get it. is that a burn on me being vegetarian or something?

Lemme just ask this to the anti gun control folks here

Do you guys mostly agree with this idiot? Why all the hatred aimed at survivors of a tragedy?

First off he’s not trying to repeal the 2nd amendment (no one is). I’m pro gun control and honestly don’t wanna take your guns away. All I would like is for people to actually work to get a license. I’m in aus, here getting a gun is too hard and I don’t agree with that either. Here the laws are ridiculously hard, over in the US they seem ridiculously easy

Gun control isn’t about taking your guns away. It’s about introducing simple common sense laws that make people safer

Things like storing your guns unloaded in a locked safe and your ammo in a separate location. Or having a psychological test (just something simple to determine you’re not a sociopath) before you can buy firearms. Or regular safety classes once every few years.

Honestly just simple things like that. You can keep your guns. All this is about making people safer and if it can save just one life isn’t it worth it?

But beyond that what troubles me is that these are children. There is NEVER a valid excuse for an adult to taunt children like this. You might disagree with them and that’s fine, everyone’s got a right to an opinion. But considering what these kids have gone through surely any rational individual can understand their point of view. Even if you don’t agree with it you can understand why they think that way

So why direct all this hate to them? Why taunt and call them names? And why all the obsession with his pubes?!? That’s just plain weird

Honestly I’d rather follow a child standing up for what he believes in than a pathetic lunatic like that Benjamin dude any friggin day

Thousands of people have signed petitions and called their representatives demanding that the 2nd amendment be repealed. I agree with some of what you said like the required safety training. My biggest beef though is with the parents that are using their kids as pawns.

okay that part i honestly didnt know so you have my appologies, clearly i was wrong and i do agree that repealing it (which i assume means that youre no longer allowed to own guns? pls correct me if im wrong) is too extreme

but i do get a lot of resistance in online debates when it comes to this stuff

people seem to be far too defensive about it which makes me think its hard to get a constructive dialogue going (which might be what is driving some people to ridiculous extremes like prohibiting all firearms)

end of the day i feel the right to bare arms is important but the laws around them need to be updated to reflect the times. After all when the ammendment was written guns were inaccurate. could only fire one round. took ages to load

it would be impossible for someone armed with an old school musket to shoot up a school or a theater. so i think its important to check peoples mental health at least once (though imho it needs to be once every 5 years or so, as peoples mentality does change over time), just to make sure they understand the value of a human life. And to stay responsible. it should be like having a drivers license, ya gotta pass a test and you gotta drive like a responsible member of society

i read so many cases from the states of kids getting hold of their parents guns and either shooting themselves, their siblings, their parents or other kids. There was one a while back that really shook me. Little boy wants to play with his neighbours (a little girl) dog, little girl says no for whatever reason. Little boy grabs his dads shotgun and shoots the girl. Shit like that should not have been possible. the gun should not have been loaded, it should not have been accessible to children and the kid should have been taught to respect the gun and respect human life (if youre raising a kid in a house with a gun that should be an important lesson)

in contrast, down here in aus we had a case where a farmer (who legally owned a few different types of rifles and shotguns and followed all of our very strict regulations for owning and storing these weapons) had his house broken into. he didnt know who the intruder was or what they intended. He grabbed his shotgun (which was not loaded) and threatened the intruder with it until the guy ran off.

the police fined him and took away his guns because here youre not allowed to use them for self defence. Now that is another extreme im not in favour of. the intruder couldve killed or raped his family, he was defending them in the quickest way he could. he should not be punished for it. otherwise he was a completely law abiding citizen

i think our laws are okay but they go too far in some areas, just like that. i honestly believe the answer lies somewhere in the middle between the two extremes

Well the petitions just say to repeal the amendment so take from that what you will. I don't give many people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to nuance so I think most them want guns taken away.

yes and i have said that is not me, that is not what i want nor is that my argument, i have gone into great detail about this but clearly ya didnt bother to read it!

and no, most just want to keep guns out of the hands of psychopaths, take from that what you will, but dont twist my meaning, put words in my mouth or waste my time with your nonsense

oh wait, sorry dude, i was typing in a hurry coz im at work and i thought you were the other dude (blue magoo), so appologies for the rudeness (he was being a dick and i was getting fed up)

honestly you have my sincerest apologies for that as you have been quite reasonable and civil and dont deserve to be spoken to like that. hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

but thanks for clarifying and yes i was unaware thats what they were doing

Honestly just simple things like that. You can keep your guns. All this is about making people safer and if it can save just one life isn’t it worth it?

No. Freedom > safety.

so you believe seatbelts should be optional because freedom>safety

hell lets do away with drivers licenses altogether, because they infringe on the freedom of my 10 yr old nephew to drive. freedom >safety

oh and while we're at it, lets forget about immigration and checkpoints at airports, because freedom > safety

Atta girl

briliant rebuttal

honestly, thank you for essentially proving my point. im coming at you with reasonable arguments and you simply cannot respond to any of em.

Oh ok then. Just one. So lets use your examples and say nobody could drive a car or use an airport or travel through a border. but doing so saved one life, would it be worth it?

no in my example they could STILL use them, but the use is restricted.

We have seatbelts for a reason, we have airport security for a reason, we have gun control FOR A REASON

nice try at twisting my argument, but im not in 3rd grade, that shit doesnt work on me

end of the day a lot of these incidents could be easily avoided

by all means keep your guns, use em for hunting or self defence or whatever you like

but just add a few small common sense laws to keep people from doing stupid shit. that is it

Too many people trying to be Mike Cernovich these days.

Yes he got on his bike and rode to the school after he heard there was a shooting (which lasted 4 minutes) and managed to somehow enter the school and hide in a closet with other kids. Makes minus zero sense, but that's official narratives for you.

Supposedly he was there when the shooting happened, afterward he left to get his camera and then rode his bike back. I dunno if it's true but that's the official story

i dont get it

Someone acts like a jerk. Dares people to boycott him. Gets boycotted. Bitches and moans about it

you asked for it. why are you crying now?!

He's going to make easily a grand on his next YT stream. The Bears (fucking yuck) are going to put his kids through college.

it is useful. no one said twitter is not useful or fun. the problem is the Orwellian censorship, guy.