Let’s just stop posting chip things

3  2018-04-05 by CumiasNewNightmare

Shits super gay, he’s not funny. Every time i see “tsss” I just know you’re a fucking faggot. It’s over. Done.



Do you think chip is funny at all?

Doesn’t matter. Fuck you, your opinion and suggesting what people should do just because you want it that way. Cunt.


No, and nice downvote fag. The point is that chip is an in joke language we have which expresses a lot of the in jokes we have. You are assuming everyone who chips here thinks hes funny. Thats an incredibly dumb assumption, but you are incredibly dumb so that fits. Also you dont get to decided what gets posted.

Fuck off for thinking your opinion is king. You’re a loser defending “Chip language” as a way to communicate. It’s a dumb, funny podacast. If you don’t like it, don’t listen. But don’t be a cunt about it. Get a life.


Tttttststttt cumias NEW nightmare same as the OLD


I don't think this proposal is going to take off

Tsss proposal? Why not propeller or sumthin tssss tssss

Tss yeah or maybe amateurposal, I dunno.

Tss like you wanna be a groom awsumpin? My pal grooms kids in his cinema

Boy I'ma bout ta unleash the Chip Armey on your ass.

stop posting chip things

Tss, whaddya want more pretzel things instead?


100% on board with this

I like your username

Tss yeah or maybe amateurposal, I dunno.

Tss like you wanna be a groom awsumpin? My pal grooms kids in his cinema