The musical genius in the middle trashed Miles Davis and Leonard Cohen. (Also he fucks children).

11  2018-04-05 by RBuddCumia


The one to the left of him isn't a pedophile, however.

Lets not forget Joseph, who is still in a band. He decided to start a U2 cover band because the music wasn't that hard to master and they were hot in 2001. He's still doing this and leeching off his younger brother instead of getting a proper job.

Tell me more about this shiftless, layabout nigger...

He is not a pedophile, but he is a racist. He can enter into contracts. His show, Guilty by Association, got more viewers than Sam Roberts.

Tribute band.

What an awful album cover. I made better stuff in Print Shop when I was 12.

Ant is not intelligent enough to understand Miles Davis or Leonard Cohen, he’s a savage woman beater high school dropout.

I just listened to the episode where he goes off on Miles. Ant showed himself to be one ill informed and uncultured idiot with his remarks. Embarrassing.

Trashed Lou Reed as well.

And didn’t he trash Bob Dylan as well?

He’s trashed a lot of stuff. Not a Dylan fan but I respect him and you can’t deny his impact on music.

Ant and Jim always sounded like idiots when discussing music. Opie too. It’s like listening to my 14 year old nephew talk about music.

Jim was the worst about music. He was living only thru his childhood music stars that any normal person would outgrow.

Ant. Slightly better than Jim.

Opie - always trying to jump on what he thought the latest trend / band was when in reality he was a year or so behind. He also made it sound really “cool” that he knew music so much that he could remember all of lead time he had before the vocals popped on. Blah blah blah.