Dave Smith again showing his knowledge of politics.

52  2018-04-05 by ArkL


The linked tweet was tweeted by @KrangTNelson on Apr 04, 2018 19:54:30 UTC (471 Retweets | 3643 Favorites)

when you definitely understand how tariffs work

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Dave Smith is an ugly Jew. That’s what you meant to say.

Dave smith is an ugly Jew, this isn’t a lie.

You can just say Jew

I was reading this reddit at work just now and my boss walked up behind me and asked me why Dave Smith is an ugly jew. thanks.

Shouldn't be to hard to explain

He is probably the most insincere, bullshit artist in comedy and not good at it. And I hate this community to introducing me to his otherwise irrelevant career

Yep. He makes faces like he thinks he cute and clever, and he constantly says cringey political horseshit that I would have found cool at 17

One big googly eye, one slightly squintier big googly eye, and a big stupid Scooby Doo grin like he was born with half a brain.

Owen Benjamin

It looks like that polysci degree he picked up from r/libertarians is failing him

The worst part of any LoS episode is where any of the three just derail the show to mention how “smart” Dave is and “how much about politics and news” he knows. It always feels so forced and weird. Last episode on YouTube he had to ask what two different words were when reading something aloud. They’re weren’t big words.

One of them was probably hubris.

"Think of it as chutzpah."


Smart people tend to weigh the positives and negatives about living in a couch and not having a job and do the opposite of being a bum

LOS have to pretend that Dave is smart, because he's definitely not contributing with anything funny.

"Fuck you, I ain't got jokes." - Dave Smith.

Relative to Luis and Jay he does know a lot about politics. It is not a high bar to clear, though.

"Who is jeff sessions?" would probably stump Luis 'look, what do you want me to say?' Gomez and Big 'Fat' Jay.

It really irritates me you didn't title it, "knowledge of free market libertarianism".

Dave Smith is pseudo-intellectual dullard of the worst order.


So a man fitting of the name Dave Smith?

He’s joking. Was he supposed to add ”/s” like some turd?

Yeah. Is everyone in this thread retarded?

Aren’t jokes supposed to be funny?

Not necessarily

Not funny, no real political nouse, Dave has nothing......Apart from Lauren.

Dave Smith is the Opie of LOS.

Dave isn’t the boss...Luis is probably technically the boss.

Good point, because that's exactly what he meant.

And I was offering reinforcement because I had nothing original to say?

I mean jay also has tits...idk it’s a tough one man

Can we stop calling everyone we don't like Opie? No one even comes close.

Joe Rogan hailed this man as super smart

Yeah, he really looks up to him.

Pun intended??

I don't know who I hate more. Dave or the cuck faggot who made this tweet

More like 10,000,000,000,000 D chess!!!

What an absolute cunt.

Dave Smith is ‘I heard this somewhere so I’m repeating it’ smart.

Absolutely zero independent thought. It’s Opie levels of “I’M SMHAAT” delusion.

He really is the Fredo of LoS

Don't encourage that faggot liberal twitter

Yeah he's pretty god awful on legion of skanks. Throws a line in every 8 minutes and that's about it.

Call me gay, but he might have been joking.

You're gay.

He wasnt, faggot.

Of all the people in the O&A universe, Dave is one that seriously contends with Opie for the title.


Dave smith is an ugly Jew, this isn’t a lie.

And I was offering reinforcement because I had nothing original to say?

I was reading this reddit at work just now and my boss walked up behind me and asked me why Dave Smith is an ugly jew. thanks.

I mean jay also has tits...idk it’s a tough one man