One of the best mornings in O&A history

15  2018-04-05 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


When Ant starts shitting on the callers halfway in, Kurt Love is on of them. Was this before they became friends?

I think he was jealous at the time because Kurt Love was still dating Bobo

nNuh NO no he’s JuST uh frienda’ mine awright.

I think I'm starting to get annoyed at jimmy in these clips seeing how shit he is a radio nowadays it's giving me a butterfly effect.

Couldn't be happier Otto gave his caligula line nothing, and a minute later he has to build up his confidence by laughing at his own carrot comment.

You'd think he's only seen 3 movies and listened to 2 bands his entire fuckin life. Out of touch boob.

What makes it worse is that one of Otto's jokes on stage went "I'm doing the first porno with all puppets, it's called Caligula, Fran, and Ollie" Jimmy even panders to his friends.

"Caligula... yeah..."

Otto's one of my favorite guests cause he didn't hide how he felt, probably couldn't if he tried.

Listen to how scared all these queers get when Otto shits on opie