Esther Ku offered a show on Compound Media

5  2018-04-04 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Stand with Ku!

Most offensive thing in this article is referring to Ku as an “emerging comic”

The most offensive thing to me is that these tweets are from two years ago. Why would anyone give a shit about old tweets unless it's to mess with the Cumias?

I didn't notice the date on them. That's insane. Also, this is all starting from some twitter account with 150 followers and a dumb cat as the avatar?

There are a lot of Asian incels angry that she doesn't want to date them so they're trying to dig up dirt.


Can’t wait for one of these guys to go on a shooting spree.

Before Vegas an Asian incel heald the high score in mass shootings.

That's alright. White people are back on top again.

it was a really innovative mass shooting if you think about it

Very much so. Really changed the domestic terror game up.

Young Asians that were born here have no self identity so they adopt either the white or straight up nigger culture.

yeah, there are a ton of Asian rappers that are popular right now

she could read r/asianmasculinity posts

How can she be anti-Asian? SHE’S ASIAN!?!

How can Anthony be anti-black? Yet he is...

Apparently her mother's one too.

Why isn’t the New York Post then talking about black people using the word Nigger? It’s the same thing!

Google: AAVE

Enjoy your rage rabbit hole.

Asians are steadily being pushed down the progressive stack.

I like My, not as a comedian but as a piece of ass.

I'd suck Korean Barbecued dog meat out of her asshole.

faces backlash

Translation: a couple fags on Twitter wrote something snarky about her


A tweet that had 19 likes had a fucking news organization pick it up. Such pathetic and blatant witch hunting, author is no doubt an asian dude.