Only Denny and Dr. Steve are protected here...

0  2018-04-04 by WhippingHuskies

Every one else is a joke. Everyone worships Colin and Patrice here, but they're both actually gay. Patrice only impresses niggers and wiggers, and was a literal cuck, and Colin is an actual homo. Anyone who disagrees will be raped and beaten by my hand.


Dr steve sucks. Fight me

You take that back B.S or I'll send the schnoodle gang after ya.

Why? He's the only guy with real talent here. And I don't wanna fight you. I perform analingus on you, then you make our bastard.


It's settled then. Justice for our bastards!!!!!

Can I peep those tootsies?

Go away!!!! She must make my mulatto bastard for our species to survive. For shame !!!!!!

Sorry, Buke.

You're right. It was in poor taste macking on your girl.

It's just a bit since I changed my Flair.

I forgive your disrespect my child.

Peace be onto you.

And unto you my child.

Don't hate just because he's not an abortion doctor.

You guys are brutal

I don’t think it’s cool that people give you shit for an abortion. It’s not like you murdered a toddler or something. I will continue to leave love letters to your feet on your doorstep.

You're a woman of lower stock.

Can't you two see you're in love with each other? /u/WhippingHuskies, /u/Bams_seed

We hate/love eachother I know.

He wants to get me pregnant and abandon the child

Brahahahaha. That actually made me laugh. No, I must make you a proper woman and keep you in my stable of war brides.

You're not wrong, Bukowski.

Thank you, cutie pie.

I will never turn on Colin. He is the head of the Trinity. Do what you must to me but please, leave a pretty corpse.


I gave up on the corpse of Patrice. Colin I'm good with. Also Dr. Steve. The rest can just die. Norton first.

A salud hermano.

You actually post in /r/thedonald ? that's amazing. I thought it was all retards and bots

I do. Only decent people on reddit, who have been banned everywhere but there.

Isn't scorch protected?!

Norm seems to dodge most of the flack 'round these parts.