Why won’t someone tell Jim to just go home

28  2018-04-04 by peopleforgetthat

The whole J&S staff are fags


Enlightening addition to the conversation.

He won’t even go home and hug his mom for Christmas. Scccccccumbag

Can you fill in the rest of us who aren't listening?

Is he just quietly staring at his phone while Sam tries to do a radio show with interns, unable to feign interest because they're not interviewing a straw-bantamweight girl from Warsaw with no vowels in her name?

Apparently he won't shut up about how tired he is and is talking in an exaggerated low & slow voice for attention or sympathy or something. Or sumthin.


He must have had a handful of pretzels last night. Aunt Jim has complained in the past how the salt keeps him up at night.

It's actually all the sugar in the salt.

At the risk of sounding like a regular joe, why doesn’t he just drink some coffee and man the fuck up? He works like 4 hours a day.

There is sugar in caffeine.

The manning up part will prove difficult

The show is only 2 and a half hours long.

4 hours? That's the amount of sleep between my shift while i getting shitted on by customers for hours for being "too slow" doing the job of four persons.

Do you see me act like a faggot about it? Fuck no. I just punch in, do my work and punch out.

He sounded like a girl who wanted someone to ask whats wrong so he could bitch.

He perked right up when they talked about Opie Dice Clay’s instagram meltdown

Opie Dice Clay’s instagram meltdown

Jesus christ, I don't know what this means either.

I just come to this sub to make fun of the hosts of a radio show I haven't listened to in years.

What the hell is wrong with me.

Dice had a meltdown over some comedian not telling stories on a podcast

I mean, he did rip Dice's act off completely so i can get his anger with the guy atleast not giving the Diceman credit.

PrEP side effects

He did have 5mg of melatonin. Rich told him to take 10mg. Riveting stuff right there.

I don't get it, he constantly talks about his dedicated work ethic, dude if you're gonna be a drama queen with no enthusiasm and cry the entire time about not sleeping because you have to talk in a comfortable studio while people hand you food for 3 hours, then you might as well not be there. Vos saved it today.

50 year old is tired? Get him some warm milk and an african.

I'm guessing contract stuff, or he was cut from "The Irishman"

Go home Jim, and take your fucking shine box with you.

Sams night shift solo show was better than him and jim. Sam by himself going off on rants and taking calls was not bad. Sam trying to do a morning show that covers current events and hollywood with jim norton is not working

Sam by himself is just more shit, stop saying shit is good. He’s awful

Apparently he won't shut up about how tired he is and is talking in an exaggerated low & slow voice for attention or sympathy or something. Or sumthin.

Opie Dice Clay’s instagram meltdown

Jesus christ, I don't know what this means either.

I just come to this sub to make fun of the hosts of a radio show I haven't listened to in years.

What the hell is wrong with me.