Crazier than Ant's Girlfriends

1  2018-04-04 by Not_My_Real_Acct_

I don't think I've ever seen so much distilled Crazy as that shooter from Youtube. From her website, it looks like she was pissed that they demonetized her.

But you MUST see her website to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. A bodybuilding vegan PETA protester who posted to YT obsessively.

As usual, I can't post the link, but two seconds of googling will get it. In particular, check out her personal web site, before the ISP wipes it off their servers. Pure undiluted batshit crazy.


Thanks for not giving her name, the name of her website or any sort of link. I was worried I might be able to know what the fuck you're talking about.

Why don’t crazy women blink?