Reminder: This guy is a problem

46  2018-04-03 by RapistWithHIV


This retarded behaviour is 100% because he thinks his arms look amazing.

Good damn, I can't not laugh everytime I see that

It so crazy.

I can't even watch it all the way through

He's conducting a retard opera.

Over a decade being a "gym rat" and all he has to show for is a bone with 2mm of flesh on it.

Jimmy only has female trainers so he ends up looking like Tit Nomoro. Doesn’t he realize that muscle mass helps increase your resting metabolism?

How many times you think he paid trainers in the past to let him smell their sweaty puss?

You can lift all you want, but without some testosterone you're always gonna look like a middle-aged lesbian.

Also I remember Jimmy used to eat egg whites only, you need cholesterol to make testosterone, stupid.

You also need calories. Benching a 10lb bar and eating a handful of pretzels isn't going to do shit


Jim should get on test. Would probably lead to terribly deviant behavior though.

Yes because he's such a tortured addict.

anyone remember that story he relayed about his dislike of sleeping with a woman in the same bed, and how if she tries to cuddle or touch him he freaks out and suppresses yelling at her to "GET THE FUCK OFF ME"

I do that too but I think it's probably due to my overpowering retardation

same, i'm not necessarily judging him

The first step is acceptance.

Mr. steal your girl.


That's what Dave 'lets get political' Smith calls him.

Chippah,if there's one thing that (((those people))) know a thing or two about, it's stealing. Don't you nevah leave the valuables unlocked in the presence of a desert person, my muddah would always say.

Bottom one must have been during his transition between chubby and aids. He looks solidly 15 lbs lighter nowadays.

In the second picture he's legitimately doing a forearm flex pose. He looks like he kind of lifts weights sometimes or works a kind of physical job. I guess this is the height of him being in shape, and seeing as he is obsessed with himself it's natural that he would try to subtly flex in every pic.

Can't expect him to jerk off/edge for 8 hours a day for the past couple decades and not show off the results.

I listened for five minutes today. That was a big mistake. In that short time I heard that chick author/comic use the word ‘like’ at least 30 times. She mentioned contempt being a leading reason marriages break up. Young James Norton chimed in with a ‘yeah, contempt’s a real motherfucker’ or some such shit. That’s all I could take.

Mr Clean's last wisp of HIV status into full blown AIDS

I mean, he used to be a complete fat pig, so good for him. But what’s bothersome about it is that if you’re going to work out like that anyway, lift a weight. Losing the weight took some work, but he could have built muscle at the same time and actually lost the weight faster. You’re at the gym anyway, stupid.

He's finally starting to develop some muscle tone and you faggots are shitting on him for it.

He's nauseatingly proud of himself & needs to be stopped.

He's finally starting to develop some muscle tone


What a complete fag

You don't want to motherfuck him.

He looks like he's been weight training witg those pink weights.

Spindly jacking-off forearms, just like me, fam.

Let me mail you a plaid overshirt wear over your Sabbath tee-shirts.

I imagine if his blood gets into an open wound he could be a problem.