u/BigOpie threatened to doxx me and murder my family after I mocked him for this post. Then he deleted his account. RIP you negroid queer.

37  2018-04-03 by 1428ElmStreet


People who post shit like this must be the gayest people on the internet


How DOES he do it though?


Specifically kratom. That's a road you don't want to go down, brotherman.

How are you people getting into fights with each other. How do you even know each other's names?

He replied to one of my comments by calling me fag. I replied by linking to the post above and he had a complete meltdown.



My shrink says one time doesn’t make you gay.

1 time per shrink?

Yeah, but he'll say anything to get his dick sucked.

I only remember thenigisup, but that future school/job/youtubehq shooter keeps changing his account, to get rid of evidence, so I no longer know what it is

he works at a Ford plant in Ohio and looks like a 300b.c. Zach galifanakis

He can't help but bring up hentai as a compulsion, so that's how you tell.

This is a post from /r/ToolBand not /r/OpieandAnthony so explain to me why it's relevant?

Now I have the exact same urge.

Tool is hair metal right? Gay ass band

They’re also glam metal

They're also shit

I think I had an exchange with that dude on here once & he came off as a real bitch, so good work sir. Now if we could only just force the other dozen or so other assholes who share his worldview to leave.

I feel like Ant jerked off to that screen grab of Maynard in a wig.

To be a fag for Tool makes you an even bigger fag, stupid queer cocksucker.

Eloquent and succinct.

God TOOL is the most pretentious shit ever

Tool is overrated

Nobody cares about your little internet squabbles.

I know. I just want to further humiliate the faggot.

Carry on, then.

Kill yourself.

Specifically kratom. That's a road you don't want to go down, brotherman.