*Any conversation about a guy on J&S*

47  2018-04-03 by peopleforgetthat

Jam Newton: “I wonder how big their penis is”



Garbage post besides calling him Jam Newton

I remember Cuckentine saying before him knew AIDSy, he would sit in the front row and just stare at his dick the whole set.


The guy who complained to a Police Dept. because one of them was fucking his wife.

"And theeeeen he put his cum on her tiiiits. What the hell do ya fill youuuur department with, fuckin three year oooooolds? I bet you guys don't even listen to AC/DC."

Can I kiss you on the mouth, Dice?

I wonder if he’s a problem? Do you think he’s a problem? Is he packing a big surprise? And man oh man how lucky is that chick he is fucking? Lucky gal! We get it, Jim.

It really shows how out of touch Jim is with real women or just an understanding of sex beyond a 14 year old. A cock that's over 7 inches is a ridiculously rare phenomenon (I certainly hope) and the depth of a woman's vagina is about 8 inches max.

Does he really think that, instead of a proper fuck, women just want an enourmous horse cock after gaping themselves with wine bottles like the women in his videos?

I think that's just what he wishes and fantasizes about.

I like that you slammed jim and made me feel better about my average piece all in one post.

explain more math

And almost all nerves are located in the first 3 inches of the vaginal opening.

Good catch on Jimmy always going to penis size as the defining female discriminator. I still think of them discussing Tom Higgenson getting friend-zoned by the real-life Delilah and Jimmy going back to the well by speculating that her boyfriend must've had a horse cock.

Jimmy's had a warped overall development and sexual development specifically. Sure, there was Monster Rain. But this was worsened by living with his parents until 30 while struggling to succeed in comedy and making very little money along the way. As a result, the overwhelming majority of his sexual relationships have been literal financial transactions.

Even his sex addiction is fucked up. It isn't based on moving from conquest to conquest based on putting up an aura of charm (itself unhealthy); it's based on the version of sex pornography has groomed him to think is realistic.

TL;DR - It's a tough one, dude.