Cucked Liberal Snowflake Slob who virtue signals because that's the only way he can get a woman to try and find his tiny dick under all of the fat

0  2018-04-03 by unclepaul84


Ron Bennington is a saint. You take it back, right now!

This post will disappoint his wife.

I'm sure Jowls Bennington has done that enough himself.

Here come all the faggots to defend their Queen.

I never got why people suck Ron's dick so hard in this sub. He's mildly entertaining at his best.

It's like they've been conditioned by the OA and their dick sucking to do the same thing. Faggots can't have an opinion of their own on anything.

hey now, Ronny b is the coolest daddio

I like things because I got told to like them by progressives and people of color. If I didn't I would be racist :(

He gave his daughter roofies

No! She ate the roofies that were probably meant for some hot intern

This post makes you sound like some BTK looking dude with a plan to shoot up his workplace

Nuh uh, this is just how alphas talk, bruh. A TRUE alpha is desperately trying to prove himself at all times, cuck.

Boy we sure turn on anyone quick

Not really. He's been doing lazy radio for awhile now with his piggo daughter and most faggots around here believe he's somehow above criticism.

He's friends with Fez so he's OK in my books.

Nice fucking up of an expression, stupid. It's *book. You got books?

As I was typing it I actually pondered whether it was book or books, but then I figured I probably would have more than one book on the subject considering I own multiple books.

Is one of them I'm pondering if I'm a Faggot?

It's not multiple copies, there's two sequels to it.

Self deprecation isn't changing the fact you enjoy a good man ass.

How uncouth.

He carried a very entertaining radio show on his own with literal dead weight for a decade. You’re getting pissy because after 40 years in radio he’s not good anymore. Be realistic.

I'm not saying he wasn't talented, you boob. My issue is, god forbid anyone speaks negatively about him here without weeping grandmothers coming out of the woodwork.

You're complaining about the complainers and uttering phrases such as "weeping grandmothers coming out of the woodwork"

You're the most dramatic Nancy in here, sweetie.

There's a difference. No one involved with any of these shows is above criticism, except Colin and Vos.

ya, there is a difference....complaining about complains is more cunty.

its all he knows how to do! be nice! /s

Leave it alone

He's got new cackling dead wieght.she stinks.

Nah. This guy just posts the same "libcuck snowtard buzzword buzzword" shit over and over again.

Ah I see

One pair of glasses for driving, one pair of glases for finding his dick.

Both of which he parks on his balding head. He's going to need a third pair, soon.

he's gonna need a pair of glasses, to find his glasses!


What'd I miss? Why do we hate Ronnie now?

clearly by the sad buzzword vomit in the title, their feelings were hurt by something Ronnie said.

boo hoo, time to project!

Nice post, stupid.

use more buzz words

Found the libtard!!

You're a faggot, attention seeking pussy. I don't even care for Ron all that much, but what point are you making by writing disparaging remarks about a person while hiding behind your anonymity? I'll pay you $5,000 to say this to his face. Until then, stop being a faggot on here because no one in the real world will pay attention to you.

Guess I forgot to laugh

Ron's 10 feet tall and shoots fire balls out his arse

Rons the man! Your probably a flaherty fag who quotes race statistics at family gatherings to the response of awkward silence.

Hi Fez!

Ron's a liberal? Ron & Fez were horrible. They only lasted, because they sucked up to O&A.

I hope everyone and everything you love gets repeatedly hit with a claw hammer.

Ron sucks.

Stop, hammer time.

Beta cucks virtue signalling for sjw group affirmation. Entitled snowflake libtard soy-boy.


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Aunt Bee lookin douche.

Stop, hammer time.