What are the all time funniest sub moments to you?

13  2018-04-03 by catshitinmyurethra

I almost shit my pants at the guestbook posts on ants mom's funeral page


We don’t compliment each other. That’s not how this sub works.

Good point

The cartoon of Anthony getting pee'd on by Papa while in the shower was pretty good

And Angel Qadan enjoy his Vizio sound system in heaven

That would have been a fitting tribute to the soupy headed old bag.

This line, just after Chris Kuhn's kid hit the tarmac.

There was some news like "his mother called qadan his perfect little angel"

and some mean cunt said well if he was so perfect how come he wasnt wearing a seatbelt

My favorite sub moment is when we all called you a faggot. Faggot.

Whoever came up with the name Tit Nomoreo.

His name was u/sexylarrytate

Sorry I have not been around of late. I have moved on to Qanon stuff.

Larry, come home.

Apart from the classics like brojoe and kuhn somebody called neil degrasse tyson "space nigger". It was so casual that it was hilarious

If you kill yourself now, it’ll be this moment

Anthony’s face in that Belgian newspaper as the truck driving terrorist

Anything with Colin Flaherty and the waving arm memes

I liked it when Anthony beat that frail girl on camera and shouted nigger with a lot of contempt in his voice. Also, that time pours dad died in a car crash was a real knee slapper

Poor little feller

The 24 hours of Anthony beating a whore and then his arrest was an all-time great.

And also, when Melissa Stetten revealed his tranny fucking on a podcast.

People’s court That art piece of Opie and his guys peeking under the stall Anthony being named as a terrorist. Anthony’s arrest and the live periscope.

And Angel Qadan enjoy his Vizio sound system in heaven