Reminder:Joe Rogan once said Ronda Rousey is tougher than prime Mike Tyson

77  2018-04-03 by EYEATEYOGURLZMUFF

What a shill


That alpha brain turning him into beta man

They used to sell male nail polish called alpha nails

Please tell me you’re bullshitting me

wearing black nail polish isnt gay at all

FWIW I was watching the HBO Garry Shandling documentary and Kevin Nealon had black nail polish on all his fingas.

Where do you think Big Jay gets his polish from? Sephora?

Hot Topic, obviously.

That is absolutely true. Aubrey sold male manicures and polish through a company called Alpha Nails, and it was after that Joe Rogan agreed to start Onnit with him. The more I learn about that guy, the more I’m convinced him and Joe are into creepy gay sex.

Hahaha, good one dude!

She was a freak show, a gimmick, in a "sport" that shouldn't even exist (women's MMA in a 135 pound weight class!) that used submissions on people to win in like 17 seconds. In her last match, Ronda Rousey got knocked out in 48 seconds by a 135 pound woman. His over the top shilling of this Big Fish in a Small Pond was a joke. Now she's a carnival act in WWE.

No female athletic accomplishment is impressive. Mike Tyson in his prime walked through 37 heavyweight boxers in a row and punched most of them unconscious and damn quick about it, too. They're not even 10th rate in comparison to men athletically. There's a few million young men in high school right now who would beat her into a coma in anything resembling an actual fight. Flippity-do arm bar shit is all she ever had.


I still enjoy watching flyweights fight even though they would get destroyed by heavier fighters.

This fight between two hot sluts - - is amazing to watch.

What makes them sluts? They sure as hell wouldn't hook up with you

I hate women as much as the next guy but the commenter below me has a point. What makes them sluts?

And while we’re at it, what makes them “hot”?

Yeah you're right, I forgot they don't have dicks

Sorry gang, I meant to say slits

Don't listen to the naysayers; they are indeed sluts

I've seen college men's soccer teams compete against the actual women's basketball team and the men so far are undefeated.

In middle school our girl's basketball team was undefeated every year and the boys team was always lucky to win 1 or 2 games. They'd always talk shit so after school we played against each other. I, a back up center, put up 30+ points on them by myself and the game was a massacre. I think we won by 40.

I don't watch fighting anymore, but I do enjoy watching the female Cyborg fighting. She's the only one that fights like a man

That bitch got a brow ridge like a silverback and a dick clit like Chyna.

I bet in my prime as a middle school wrestler at 145 lbs I could have at least held my own against rousey. She probably would have won.... probably...l but at no point in any amount of prime I ever had would I have ever even come close to beating mike Tyson. I couldn’t even beat him in a fucking video game.

You'd have 10 pounds on her and the testosterone levels of a hormonal teen. You'd have kicked the shit out of her.

Middle school wrestler vs Gold Medal Judoka.... is this a bit or are you fags really that delusional

Plus she probably walks around weighing more than he did...

I'm that delusional. No broad is going to beat up a 17 year old athlete. And medals for athletic achievement for women are worthless, give them a handbag or something equally meaningless. It's like being the fastest 12 year old, who cares.

There is absolutely no 17 year old that could beat Amanda Nunes at 135lbs.

Strenght is a thing.

Technique is more of a thing. Watch a 16 year old, skinny Nate Diaz choke out a body builder twice his age and way bigger than him. Watch UFC 1.

No, because it's fixed, just like boxing. Controversy creates cash.

The mma girls are also all pretty sexy. Do they even have a competition for the biggers girls aka 180lb+?

The fact that they market it as sexy girls means the fights are more of a carnival act than a competitive sport for me.

Team USA and Team Canada regularly play against high schoolers and often lose. I think they have winning records, but the fact that they aren't undefeated is hilarious. They actually have an advantage because the boys can't check and that's an enormous part of the game.

Professional women's hockey Olympians have a difficult time beating high schoolers at pond hockey. Gee, if they're so comparable, why can't the 17 years olds check?

Imagine a 220-lb 18 year old defenseman laying out a 130-lb, 5' 3" female center in open ice.

Stop, my dick can only get so hard.

Re: women's sports, all you have to do is ask why not a single female has ever broken into a major pro sport. There hasn't even been a female placekicker or punter much less one capable of keeping up with real players.

I know for a fact that one of the best national teams in women's soccer, usually plays games against 15 year old boys with the stipulation of the boys just getting to have 9 players on the field and loses.

do you have a clip of that?

I’d like to see that clip as well. RR did alot for the sport but in general she was horrible compared to the new female talent in the UFC.

Ol' Hype Train Rogan.

He's still dick riding Ngannou hard! Barely gives Stipe Miocic (the HW Champion of the world) his proper dues.

That's the weed talking.

Please tell me he never actually said that.

Sadly, it's as true as Greggory Hughes being an unemployed nothing.

I was called a sexist for posting on Facebook a few years back that she couldn't beat modern George Foreman in a fight. Made me really damn happy that she lost to a better female fighter.

She's just pretty enough to be marketable is the only reason she was pushed. The narrative of "women are as strong as men" is more important than the fact of "there's at least one dude in every bar in the country that could lay her out in 4 seconds"

She could easily beat the shit out of Anthony Cumia though. laughtrack

I never bought into the Rousey hype. I was shouted down several times. Glad that cunt lost.

She’s only decent looking when they make her up perfectly and take her picture from the perfect angle. Otherwise she’s a butt ugly little goblin. That’s another reason why I think Rogan is gay. The way he’d go on and on about how hot she was sounded like some cornered gay dude trying to convince his friends he likes girls.

Ronda is cute when she is standing alone with no other females around. You stick her next to even an average women and she looks like a stocky little dyke with a man's frame.

Rogan and AJ Poopieshitz has a lot of things in common.

I don't get how an "athlete" like that can have such chubby arms and a double-chin.

Remember a few years ago where there were enough serious calls for her to fight Floyd Mayweather in an exhibition that Dana White had to comment on it reminding press idiots it's not possible? She would have been mauled since Floyd is known for finishing off women faster than men in fights.

Marijuana kills brain cells.

I remember reading a while ago that Rousey at her peak was slightly stronger than the average man. And that is not accounting for reach.

She was built up to such heights that her inevitable fall was always going to be disastrous for her. Couple that with how horribly she got her ass kicked and you have a perfect storm for her depression.

Joe is a moron

Tyson won fights by just staring down opponents. Joe actually cried on his podcast when Ronda was on

He's a junkie fighter. What do you expect from him?

Coz he smokes weed

He has been watching and practicing MMA for decades now. Joe should be jaded by the sport at this point, but he falls for and promotes every baseless hype train like someone who just started watching UFC three weeks ago. I don’t know how he retains being so naive about everything, unless it’s intentional to create buzz. I mean he does work for them. Regardless if it’s shilling though it makes me not like him. He said some absurd shit like Francis Ngannou was the scariest heavyweight of all time because he was the 16th man to knock out Alistair Overeem. The glassiest of glass chins, who consistently got KO’d his entire career in two different weight classes gets KO’d again and the guy who did it is now the scariest man on earth? Joe just sees a big black guy and thinks he’s intimidating or some shit. Certified cuck that midget.

Joe hypes EVERYTHING though. It's not him trying to shill for the UFC. He gets just as excited over bear videos and random interesting facts.

She was the worst part of Furious 7 and the Entourage movie.

LOL not a chance. "Prime" Tyson (right up until the Douglas defeat) was a wrecking ball, possibly the most fearsome puncher in boxing history. Rousey is a lady wrassler.

Cried too, delusional faggot. HEADMOMENT HEADMOMENT

Rogans a faggot

Tony Hinchcliffe with zero irony or comedic intent compared Rousey losing the title to 9/11. I am not kidding.

Really? Damn that is ridiculous.

Rogan, if you have the hots for Ronda (which you clearly do), just say so. You don't gotta start acting like she would blitz one of the greatest boxers we will ever see.

UFC is no different than wrestling. Never has been, why do you think their legendary champions like Dan Severn and Ken Shamrock easily turned to wrestling during the time?

It's fixed, just like boxing.