Who the fuck has time for this shit?

61  2018-04-02 by RBuddCumia


Fuck Ant and fuck commies

If it was a man putting tires around someone's neck and lighting them on fire he would be called a no-nonsense leader.

Self-loathing negro, T-Bag Cumio. As the tweet retorts.

Anthony "Hot take" Cumia, so named because of how much he enjoys taking hot loads on the face.

Old, crater faced alcoholics, thats who.

It’s exhausting just seeing this shit pop up on my feed day after day

That made me laugh, not because it was funny but because only he would instantly take the complete opposite stance just to be a dick

She is known for ruthless acts after her husband was locked up. She was not a good person at all.

I wish that was remotely true. But the truth is, if you bring up Mandela in any way shape or form, millions of americans (emphasis on the distance between the US and SA) will instantly start foaming at the mouth. Ant is one of them.

He wasn't going for a joke.

Theyre stealing white peoples farms and killing them in south africa. Fuck mandela

I give as much of a shit about white people in africa as you give a shit about black people in africa. That's why I'm superior to you, you sad lonely queer.

Right. Thinking a country sucks becauae it steals from people of a particular color is sad.

Youre so cool being an aloof asshole. "Heh... everyone sucks but me because i dont give a fuck"

We're talking about the country now? You're losing me.

I care about both.

I didn't say I don't care. I said I care about as much.

"Empathy isn’t cool guys."

I didn't say I don't care. I said I care about as much.

They should move. Mandela may have been a terrorist, but it's Afrikaners country.

Um. Theyve been tbere for generations. People alive today didnt steal anything.

You know what i think? We should check your relatives and long dead ancestors for any criminals and punish YOU for it.

Are you a white living in america? Then hand over tbe reparations whitey

They come to America as refugees, dummy. Like they wouldn't prefer to live in America.

He's talked shit about Winnie for a long time now.

The Pooh?

that dead cunt and her dead cunt husband are rotting like the fucking pieces of shit they are.

Ro and Joe Sr.?

In the computer simulation I live in, Nelson Mandela is still alive.

But that's after years of everyone saying he was a saint. It's deserved at this point.

I get it but I'm not buying it. There's something about whites living on a black continent that grabs out at them, on an emotional level. That's what my guess is.

It would be if they weren't correct about them being terrorists and what's been going on over there. See, This is what's insane to me about this South Africa shit. There's literally a white genocide being executed by people who have openly attacked and hated whites for decades and any mention of it gets people going "oh god, what sort of agenda do they have?" We can't even talk about open white genocide without people making it some partisan issue.

I mean on some baseline level we all care. Even Nick said about the Syria situation, verbatim, "those poor fuckin people!" But it's a matter of degree. Carlin, even, admitted that shit that goes on in Africa just isn't going to matter as much to us as shit that's closer to us.

Point is, if you think the whites in SA are anything special as humans go, it can only be because you feel lonely.

It was pretty much nothing but whites in the SA.

It was pretty much nothing but whites in the SA.

Oh I see what you were saying now. I thought at first you meant to imply that the population was 99% white so I just ignored you. Now I get it. The people being killed.

You won't have a hard time finding examples of black genocide on the blacks' continent obviously. So my only point here is caring about one race more than caring about another.

If that's your thing, well, I suggest we just get it over with and race war each other. Whites will win. Guaranteed.

But not your kind of whites.

People in the West have reported on and worked to prevent numerous genocides in Africa. The problem is they rarely happen in developed countries and like South Africa where such a sharp and sudden change has taken place within a generation. There's many things that separate it from your average tribal war.

The problem isn't people like Ant for taking notice, it's people like you who imply only racists care.

Nobody said they're special. They're saying it's an open and unapologetic white genocide and it seems like it's not being covered with anywhere the same intensity as when Boko Haram was kidnapping Northern African girls, among other things. It's also significant because this has been rumored and murmured about for a long time and for years people were called paranoid and racist for paying attention.

People don't care about the people they care about the conflict and what it represents. People care about the people insofar as the true genocide has not happened yet and there may actually be a way of preventing it, while other refugees are given priority. In that sense it is also significant to us as it shows Western governments giving priority to certain refugees based on the color of their skin rather than actual need.

Nobody said they're special.

They're saying it's an open and unapologetic white genocide


Yeah... and? I spent the rest of the comment explaining how an open black on white racial genocide being largely ignored by the mainstream culture is having people take notice, and I further related it to the refugee crisis. I'm afraid you've chosen the route of annoying faggotry but I hope you can veer back to the right course.

I may veer.

lol your deflection speaks volumes. You being completely wrong and getting trapped in your own logic up to this point is not even your biggest mistake. No your biggest offense here is having political discourse on a subreddit like this so you can try and reaffirm your shity belief system. Take that garbage somewhere else and get back to the races tranny jokes.

I read your post three times. Flushing out the boring standard "you're obviously wrong DUH" rhetoric, the only thing I see left is horribly written babble without a hint of direction.

Maybe you want to try the whole thing all over again.

'kill the boer'

during the 90s they really laid it on thick about what a great guy mandela was, i only found out about the commie murdering and necklacing online YEARS later.

True, there's was that one cunty Janet Jackson video.

Just goes to show, kids need to be cool by rejecting the previous generation.

They all grow up eventually.

yeah and shit like this


Little Steven shuckin and jivin for the man

Will you really be surprised when one of two people who had just been exchanging platitudes, doesn't deign to bother with your obviously anecdotal example?

You probably will.

you win, you called me a nazi.

Sorry, I meant to call you the dew on my spring petunia.

that's sweet

This is a recent phenomenon, faggot. It used to be that everyone in the US had reverence towards Mandela...even right-wingers. Mel Gibson used to gush over Mandela for fuck’s sake. But only in tha last few years have people realized that we really shouldn’t be celebrating that deranged negro. MLK is next.

You don't have to wait to see what happened to MLK. His peak came a significant amount of time before his death. His influence declined significantly for a few years before that.

also a commie, plagiarist handled by jews.

You people really believe in that stupid jew nigger theory, it's incredible to me.

Wow, a bunch of people who had diasporaed until they'd been gassed found something in common with an entire population that was enslaved.

Must be the highest level of conspiracy of all times, that.

not really the point...

I guess "handled by jews" always comes with the territory for people who think like you, to so much of an extent that 'commie' and 'plagiarist' are the only points you thought you were making?

Shit I could plagiarize Marx himself and few people would think a thing of it.

no since you aren't really having a discussion and need to place me in a simple box for your own mental well being i'll explain to those reading. the point is the things they so are not in our interest, it is in their interest. thanks for being a vehicle to make that point.

I doubt it will ever set in for you at any point in your life, but here comes some truth: your conspiracy theory is 10,000 times more ridiculous and laughable than even the worst of the worst of the worst of conspiracy theories. It shows both your lack of education and your sad desperation as a little pathetic man.

It's honestly sickening. There is no reasonable reaction to it but contempt.

are you kidding? what conspiracy theory did I affirm?

not wanting to live around blacks and not trusting Jews is 10,000 dumber than 9/11 conspiracy theories

Is it?

She was a brutal terrorist though. It's not a joke.

cool defense of commie murderer niggers, bro

I don't see a difference between those and capitalist murderer colonists, sorry. I like capitalism and I like whites. I dislike murdering and colonizing. I also dislike communist murderers. So I'm not really certain why you're so fired up.

Unless you give way too much of a shit about your mirror.

capitalism is flawed, obviously. don't carry water for communists, they have plenty of power and money to push their narratives. that's more what i care about.

I did say "communist murderers" didn't I. Well yeah I think communism's shit, but not inherently bad. Just stupid. That's probably how your asshole ass feels about blacks isn't it.

That's what I hate so, so much about you. "Oooo lookee meee, I get to be automatically better than about a billion people, FREE OF CHARGE"

Work for it, faggots, and don't cite your father's credentials.

I'm not sure what you're saying but you seem rather upset at me pal.

you reply to every comment on this thread and still have nothing to say. what a simple faggot you are.

when did I defend her? shut the fuck up; you nothing

complete opposite stance just to be a dick

I funny understand the backstory of the Mandelas. He isnt wrong. Which means he had 2 choices after seeing that tweet, either be the bigger person and ignore that person or be a dick

if ant was capable of being the bigger person...

I don't think u/Bams_Seed is a terrorist


That’s a nice black and white picture of Anthony

Ain't nobody.

Take your autodelete of previously posted links and shove it up your ass, reddit.


He is not wrong.

He isn't. But she also had no legal means to protest her status as a second class citizen.

he sure isnt.

I have no doubt that Anthony would shit on any black figure of importance.

But this bitch really was evil, she had people put to death by putting a tire around their arms and upper body and setting them on fire.

Tire necklacing is still pretty popular in Africa. You can find plenty of videos on liveleak.

Sir, while you are technically correct I had to scroll to literally the last result on the first page of the search "necklacing" before I was able to find the documentation on this. I suggest you examine how excitedly you point people to Liveleak.

good for you

That doesn't feel sincere

Right, but is that what's motivating Anfernee to take to Twitter? It wasn't a thought-provoking documentary on the ANC during and after apartheid. It was a black person with a modicum of power. This is a guy who won't even throw a bone to Ben Carson.

Fuck both of those niggers.

He literally trolls people on Twitter non stop. He trolled mom's that were upset casey anthony got off. He's such a piece of shit. And he's a pussy when anyone trolls him.

Fuck the both of them

She was not only extremely corrupt, she also ordered the torture and murder of several people.

Even he couldn't stand the bitch after he got released. These SJW's need to study their history. Hate to agree with ant but he is right on this one.

We’re fucking aware.

You’re a shit version of Wikipedia.

I never trust men who refer to themselves as "we". It's something only the weak and cowardly do in my experience.

But you let them cum on your face anyway?

Good one, retard..

Awwwww thhhhiiiiiiiit! A “good one, retard” response!

Fucking witty!

Based on your last two posts i strongly believe that retard is an accurate description of you.

Ok you humourless cunt. I’m retarded. Big whoop.

Ya kiddin!

and participated

It's in their nature.

He calls this woman a terrorist just because she was Howard Stern’s sidekick? He’s 🥜!

Wasn't South Africa better under Apartheid?

To be fair, Ant works six hours a week.

chick pills?




Xanax for his weak mind.

What’s he got to be anxious about?

Oh right he invested all that money in a podcast network and it isn’t making a profit lol

ever had xanax? its pretty great

Disagree, back when I was 17 I took a bar of xanax and got hooked, had to go to rehab and quit drinking. I now fill the void with fun sized candy bars and trannies, I talk about it all the time on my subpar radio show.

The only other people I see obsessed with social media news feeds are 60 year old grannies...oh wait..

She was a brutal bitch.

He's right.

Even Nelson couldn't stand this bitch.

Maybe she was? Hell if i know and I'm not gonna pretend like i do. All i know is, most are assholes so prob, yea

Rest in Powa!!!

I was thinking about making a joke saying I wish we could send Ant to one of those places in South Africa where white farmers are being brutally murdered. But then I realized he would just be taken in as one of the natives and use the opportunity to rape young white children

The price of healing his racism is probably to steep to pay

just report him and get him banned again. stop playing footsie with him and get him banned asap

Brutally killing political rivals is terrible, but is it really terrorism? Terrorism seems to have its roots in killing innocent people by surprise. These were barbaric summary executions.

Terrible stuff, but I dont think it's terrorism.

I'm debating the finer points of barbaric killings with somebody who only posted it because she was black.

Didn’t Fred Savage sexuality harass this chick on the wonder years set?

OK, terrific.

It's so frustrating.

I could do this stupid shit all day if I want to. It costs nothing and takes no skill to be perpetually triggered about petty shit and drunk.

The man's a fucking self-employed millionaire. I dream of the freedom and power that he truthfully has over his own life. And he wastes it with this bullshit.

104 (now 105) comments about someones Twitter. A lot of people seem to have time for bullshit.

He's not wrong.

Hate facts triggering people on here again?

Do some actual research on that murderous cunt that just died.

Thank you sir. It's good to know there is actually one well read person left on this sub.

Bitch could throw a hell of a BBQ, though.

On this particular matter, he's correct. But at least she didn't abuse children, like this queen.

also a commie, plagiarist handled by jews.

that's sweet

I'm not sure what you're saying but you seem rather upset at me pal.