You trying to forced a pet name is stupid and awful.

0  2018-04-02 by Layzerbeamz

Opie Roberts, Jim Nordgren, Oqieraqio, it's like a retard telling the same unfunny joke over and over again.

Tranthony is great tho, keep doing that one.


Which one bothers you the most?

Of course they are not all home runs, you take the bad with the good.

Yeah, it's a tough one.

Opie Roberts is great because it gave me a tool for socially interacting with people

If someone is being really unfunny, annoying, or making things uncomfortable just prepend "Opie" to their last name and call them that. Most people won't get it but if you say it with the right tone it works.

I kinda liked the short-lived "Shelly" for Opie.

The misspelling of their names because they are irrelevant to the real world would be funny if it ever happened once legitimately.

But Opie Roberts is downright accurate and a good way to insult them both at once.

I like The Count of Long Island, personally.


I actually enjoy the misspelled names of these fags, my favorite is Antwan Khumya and when his face is edited onto a terrorists face
