You’ve had 18 months, Sammy. Time is running out. Opie was right about you. For the next 6 months, you better act like your career is gonna be over before it starts because it will be in October if you don’t get your shit together.

70  2018-04-02 by OochyWally


Just coasting on cruise control, cuz

Tss yeah wake me up when October ends or sumthin

Don't wanna be a Yautja Prime idiot or sumthin

He cackles at the haters with his brand new bread toes. Like he said, all he needs to do is get one viral video every 6 months to show the bosses and he's cruisin' on easy street. He can do whatever he wants, like adding 30 seconds to the awful intro everyday. Bobo making spit sounds for 1 minute is funny and won't drive away all new listeners!

I think a combination of career loss, divorce, and child support will eventually drive him to suicide. I hope so anyway. I'd love to see the shitty hair he has left mixed in with skull fragments and brain matter.

That would be delightful.

Reflective surfaces will drive him to suicide before the rest.

he lived with that face every day and didn't kill himself

God tried and failed, that nigga is Stinkmeaner

Stepped over his kid in some now and later gators

You really underestimate the retard confidence that flows through the O&A universe

You are a prime example, Killa Kuhn wont even kill himself, he's got more hate to spread in this lifetime

Yeah to be half serious, Sam doesn't seem like the kind of person who is capable of handling something traumatic, because he's never had to solve a problem as an adult. He's basically still living life in a pre-adolescent frame of mind. Teenagers are literally more mature than he is.

That's why he's so smug. He has disdain for people who act like adults (notice how proud he is to eat trash) because his mind tells him, "Why act like an adult? This 'act like a toddler' thing is working out great so far. If I have a problem, someone else will take care of it."

He doesn't realize that people grow up not because we think it's fun, but because most people naturally realize that you need to grow up to survive. Even a savage knows to do this.

He needs to start learning to be an adult, or the first real problem he encounters will shatter him psychologically and leave him alone and unable to hold down a job.

And then all that will be left for him is to commit suicide or be homeless

I agreed with you until then, but do you really think Mommy Roberts would let her sweet mulatto be homeless?

If Bobbie dies first, maybe mustachio leaves everything to the sister or (other) fag brother

I recall last Spring he revealed that he wakes up every morning depressed and that was not to long after having his first baby which in most cases brings happiness. This fool is not made for this world and if he loses his job I think he will snap.

Sam suffers from post-partum depression.

He is depressed because his wife and mother pay attention to the baby. Sam was somehow raised like an only child even with his siblings

Makes me wonder what Jess's hang ups are. I mean besides the obvious lack of self esteem.

She's got a pug for a face like Chrissy Teigen

Hearing that he drinks soda for breakfast and is proud of it made me legitimately sick to my stomach and angry.

In his defence he's not getting a lot of help from political genius and professional faggot James Morton

Never defend Sam, it is a dark place.

As long as he stays of Twitter and keeps his phone out of the shitter, I see him reuping his contract. SiriusXM rarely makes the "tough" decisions without having their backs against a race baiting, obese shitting, wall.

Management is loving the boring and gender neutral direction of the show.

2nd biggest show on Sirius/XM LOL

That could be 2 viewed for all we know.

Radio shows often have 2 viewed.

Figure your shit out, Sam. That's OochyWally's advice to ya.

no use it's just getting dumped asap

They left Opie on the air for over a decade.

But Opie got fired the very next day after a SXM executive listened to his show.

They should really get rid of Sam and recruit someone like Colin and Bobby, maybe even get rid Jim too and get new guys like Luis or whoever, who aren't irritating bores and who actually try to be funny. When was the last time you heard an awesome clip from J&S where Jim was killing it, especially lately? I can't think of one.

Unfortunately Sirius/XM would never hire the Puerto Rican Rattle Snake.


He had an MMA show on Sirius until last year. So he was at least hirable to them at some point.

I also heard him, Nick Mullen, and Tim Dillon were pitching a show to Sirius or making a demo for them.

He's pondered doing a potential satellite show with Tim Dillon and Nick Mullen. Presumably on Comedy Central radio, through their Bonfire connections. That would be a show I would never miss an episode of. As much as I like Soder and Jay elsewhere, I only check out Bonfire when my favorite podcasts are on hiatus.

Nick's a cokehead. He'd never be reliable for a radio show.

Adderall, Coke, and gay in the morning

SXM is not interested in the type of radio you are talking about. It's better that they cut ties with Jim and Sam an their known associates entirely.

Yes to Colin but God no to Bobby. Jesus i hate stupid fuckin Jabba

August last year was funny when Ant came in. Jim and Ant had a few good lines. But Sam is less talented than shitty Opie and hasn't made me laugh in hundreds of hours of radio. Nor has he said anything interesting.

Are you sure that Sam and Jim signed the "Opie's special" a 1 year deal?

They signed a 2 year deal, there are six months left

No, they signed a 2 year deal which is up this October.

Didn't they claim they signed an early contact extension last year?

Sam is fucked, his Khazar wife will leave him the minute those shekels stop coming in.

Her patience is already short with his toy collection and unhealthy love for oiled up men in tight shorts grinding against each other.

He's not going anywhere unfortunately. And i don't even hate Sam or anything he's just... Well, he's just Sam. Always trying to make a bit out of everything is just so pathetic.

just waiting for him to get let go , and for us to make opie's upcoming podcasting life a living nightmare

can't wait to hear him try to talk away the cakestopm and disabled-mocking videos we're going to endlessly spam to his guests and audience

Is it possible to meme Sam out of his job and get him replaced with Bobby Kelly? We need to either set Sam up to film a coworker shitting or get him to tweet "nigger"

SXM doesn’t care enough about the show to delete Sam from their payroll, or add a third mic or second mic to move Jim to his natural spot as third. Nothing will change. They will keep signing slightly-escalating contracts until they become too expensive and are jettisoned in, say, 5 or 10 years.

This is Sirius we're talking about. He'll be re-signed at least two more times.

Besides Howard Stern, they literally have no other competition when it comes to "Comedy" talk radio in that time slot. It's like they are in second place out of two. AKA, Last Place. All we know is that they lose head to head against Stern. Ellis and Bennington are on at different times. They are literally riding on the fact that there is 0 other choices during that time. I just want to know how far the ratings have dropped since Ant was fired. That's all.

Sam was mediocre at playing off of any funny topic O&A brought up, and was a bit better than mediocre when it came to turning on his coworkers and selling them out on air. Why anyone thought that translated into him carrying a show is beyond me.

I hope they dont get resigned

Hopefully the window for Sam to get resigned will elapse because everyone on the corporate level forgets that such a non-entity is even on their payroll.

He looks like the dour, shaken-baby syndrome bastard-son of Pennywise and a non-descript Jewish hag.Also, not very funny.

I'm so happy he's struggling to come up with content for a daily show. All that big game talk about how successful he'd be, all those years of acting like he deserved his own show. All those years of pretending to work hard.

Then he gets his show, and what does he do with it? Treats it like a fucking vacation he earned. Sam goes on the air with the energy and preparedness of Sam Roberts doing the Pre-Show.

Listening to him on his own show, he sounds unenthusiastic about himself. He doesn't really care about anything and doesn't know anything. He doesn't read about anything or find out about anything. The whole show is Sam and Norton bumbling through a discussion of topics where they ask one another questions about what happened. And since neither of them know, they never find out until the next episode. And since neither of them are curious or intelligent, they only find out a tiny fraction of information and still ask questions on the air.

Y'know you could just do a show about the shit you're interested in and know about, but you can't do that when all the shit you're interested in and have knowledge of is stupid crap that means nothing. Sam is the epitome of millennial culture. Has no experience, no knowledge, thinks self-referencing anti-joke anti-existence meta horse shit is content. It's just boring emptiness without style.

He's basically a musician who releases singles that consist of 1 instrument per track. Just drumming, or just a really off-key acapella. It never makes sense or delivers anything to anyone. It's half-assed. This is what he banks his career on.

Ron Bennington was right when he called into Special Delivery and gave them a dressing down. "THIS is what you're banking your young career on? This is the show? This is what you work for? This is what you want to show people? This is what all that big game talk was about? This is it?" Too bad Sam didn't heed The Ghost of Radio Future's advice.

Nice autism novel, stupid.

If a few paragraphs is what you consider a novel, you have the reading comprehension of baby mind Sam "No Prep" Roberts.

I had to find that clip you mentioned of Ron calling into Special Delivery.

"Stop doing bits that were rejected from the Virus shows, and do your own stuff."

Ron wasn't being funny, he wasn't joking, he didn't call in to give the guys a quick jab to let them know he's listening. Ron called in actually concerned, he even says they went to bat for Sam and Dave and they're being lazy pieces of shit just doing the bare minimum.

I hate Sam has a show, I don't want to understand how, all I want is his complete failure and breakdown. I can't believe some half-assed intern who just stuck around somehow became on-air talent without any actual talent. How has he not absorbed any funny from anyone? How is he actually less funny now than 10 years ago? Awful, and I hope nothing good for him.


who knows sirius probably loves that safe shitty time filler

Shut up with your irrelevant comments you fuckin idiot

Sam has been such utter shit on the radio. And instead of doing show prep, Sam spends his free time watching professional wrestling.

Sam's political commentary is even worse than Jim's.

You guys act like the 1000 autistic regulars of this sub hating their show spells its death. Most people love garbage entertainment, and Sirius doesn't really give a shit about their lesser content. This is the company that kept Opie's show on until he harassed multiple employees, amongst Jason Ellis and other utter trash.
All XM wants is a place where celebrities constantly go in and out like a revolving door, I don't think they care if the interviewer is a blinking worm.

Not to say I don't hope they get fired, especially Sam. I'd be so happy if he was unemployed right after his next big career step.

Nice autism novel, stupid.

I had to find that clip you mentioned of Ron calling into Special Delivery.

"Stop doing bits that were rejected from the Virus shows, and do your own stuff."

Ron wasn't being funny, he wasn't joking, he didn't call in to give the guys a quick jab to let them know he's listening. Ron called in actually concerned, he even says they went to bat for Sam and Dave and they're being lazy pieces of shit just doing the bare minimum.

I hate Sam has a show, I don't want to understand how, all I want is his complete failure and breakdown. I can't believe some half-assed intern who just stuck around somehow became on-air talent without any actual talent. How has he not absorbed any funny from anyone? How is he actually less funny now than 10 years ago? Awful, and I hope nothing good for him.
