Images that enrage Tranth 1/1000000

44  2018-03-31 by YesCheese


God was drunk.

Beautiful black women are the hottest women on earth.

It’s tragic so many of them are monstrous.

That’s because you’re mostly seeing descendants of West African women in the US. Women from Southern and Eastern Africa are legit gorgeous.

Ethiopian woman are either hot or look like -M in drag with more fucked up eyes and teeth. It's like mild hydrocephaly and bug eyes are a dominant trait amongst half of east Africans. I dated one of the hot ones, was a beautiful chick but kind of lame in the sack with oddly super Catholic family.

Family pressure for dating a darky coupled with cultural differences (lol she was a horrible fuck) made that an easy one to break off.

You forgot to mention her pussy stunk like burnt popcorn and cow shit.

They are the color of shit.

Easterns are insanely hot it's ridiculous.

The hot white girls at an average sized high school are better looking than most black models.

high school

Yes underaged girls are hotter than adult models lol.

Get outa here, Kurt love

Is it a crime now to be in love with that ogre? Racist!

I found Ant.

That's because they can't afford air conditioning.

You are such a faggot

Sorry nigger, but no.

I'd give her pussy a sound banging, if you catch my drift

Of course, you're a gentleman

How many inches does it take to hit the back walls on a fine lady like this? 10? 8? 2?

I know what you're're a bug chaser, right?


She's wearing a diamond that her distant cousin dug up at gun point. My boner is more turgid than normal.

Those are some saggy tits for a such a young ho.

Are you stupid or blind?

theres so many mulattos you could of picked from

Could of?

could of would of should of

too bad he didn't create a husband for them

he took a day of rest, and black men have been following his example ever since

So you’re saying this is proof God is malevolent?

I'd like to take this gal out for a nice dinner and then leave without tipping so she didn't get confused.

Then perhaps we'd go to the movies where she could enchant me with her loud, not at all obnoxious commentary on every scene.

After that I'd try to stick my rancid meat slug up her slave hole.

I like when they narrate the movie for me.

Which day did he shave her eyebrows off and give her a weave?

The same day they shaved her arms and taught her basic sign language.

This is a very delicately featured negress, normally top tier blacks look like Alek Wek and shit

Who iz dis bitch?

Ant's 3rd cousin.

Is that an actual person? Looks like a wax figure

Does God hate people who go to the movies?

Something about her looks like an indian (dot, not feather) - maybe its that wispy hairline.

In any case, this pic is fucking disgusting.

Black bitches are worthless.

there's beautiful black women, but lots of men who only like women white or asians will never go for it.

the colors white/yellow for skin, and yellow/red for hair trigger the same appetite/impulses that you get when seeing fast food logos (mcdonalds/kfc/burger king/etc), white pastas with red sauce, etc.

it's the same reason food is hardly ever blue, blue gatorade, blue m&ms aren't appealing, and women who die their hair blue are sending subliminal messages to men that they aren't interested in sex, the same blue color which doesn't stimulate the appetite when eating.

Inglewood 5 at best.

As much as I like spooning coiled boat rope, I think I'll pass on this one.
All she has going for her is those fat tiddies and you know they're drooping underneath there.

Boat rope, woven rug fiber; it's all sensual.

They don't even attempt to make it look like actual human hair anymore. I'm seeing colors and textures of carpet fiber lately. Why even bother?