Ron and Pez

192  2018-03-30 by CuntyDracula



I get it.

I laughed.

It's all about not forgetting to

Do you remember lawfter?

Guess you didn't forget

Don't let me forget that I dahnced!

Dude your internet is crapping out....

Fawkin homerun

I hate that I kinda laughed at this

The Ron and Fez Show summed up in one sentence.

Proof that you're a retard summed up in one sentence.

Nailed that sockcukka!

Pure hilarity

Candy yumah.

Earl, we got any Pez back there? Fuckin starvin.

Fresh out, boss!

Alright then just get me some smarties.

Haha holee....

Fez actually got his name from Pistol Pez Whatley. Can you do him too please

You are correct , sorry just reminds me of this classic.

Got a nigga

It's Ron and Pez Thursdays! Ron and Pez Thursdays!

Ron and Pez. Ron and Pez

Miss Pez.

866-Ron-0-Pez, 866-Ron-0-Pez

Blueberry flavor

No the show's name was Ron and Fed


Ahaha, holy shit.

You'd get about the same level of show participation.


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Tfw you realize you've been a rube acting as a carney until you find out the "Fez Whatley" nomenclature has been a work this entire time.

Management loves the direction of these shitposts.

Nice French fag hat,stupid.

It’s a...stand alone...candy...

I really miss Soundboard Pez.

There’s seven dicks in my ass and there’s always room for eight!

It still vividly remember the day Pez outed himself on air as a candy drop, after playing one on the radio for almost 30 years.

The name Fez Whatley is a parody of Pez Whatley - it only works as a joke if you don't know that

Nah I’ve done extensive research on the matter and it turns out it DOES work as a joke even if you DON’T ignore that.


ME: we could get things trending if we wanted to, believe me.

You laugh but Fez is named after the wrestler Pez Whatley, that's tha bit.

I actually never knew that. You better not be yanking my chain.

Tfw you realize you've been a rube acting as a carney until you find out the "Fez Whatley" nomenclature has been a work this entire time.

I thought it was because at one time he wore a fez to complement Ron's stylish beret.

Ron and Poz?


Get the fuck out of this sub

MadTV skit

Now that's funny

This is the type of clean humor I cum here for.