The Irony

195  2018-03-29 by tunisianknifer


I just censored myself. I had a joke for this tweet but it might have gotten me banned. The left is destroying free thought.

Get a throwaway account, stupid.

This is only valid if nobody on the right has ever gotten offended by someone else's speech.

The right have often gotten offended by free speech. And his point is still valid.

How this guy continues to have people subscribing to his shit show amazes me. I need to start a pay based podcast.

A regular poster here made a post proudly saying he JUST cancelled. How the fuck are some of you still subscribers to this nonsense.

The only thing I subscribe to is good vibes and positive thinking. Have a great rest of your week. ✌

If you're the real Jay I want to let you know youre a disgusting unfunny piece of shit. Real cringe shit, bud. A Sledge hammer, What a fag.

Some people just have disposal income ya know

tss. garbage disposal income.

He has a couple thousand morons that carried over from his days on satellite. They are brother Joe level stupid.

I'll be your co-host*!

*I'll never show up

I unfollowed Ant for the first time ever. Sometimes I'd mute him for a while and come back, but the guy is just done, I think. It's sad. I feel like I just pulled the plug on a life support machine for a relative I loved, but now they're just a shell.

You only need a thousand subs in order to have an income of over one million and the odds say 1 in 20 people will pay for whatever you tell them to. Maybe Cumia is just pandering to tards now?

Your math is terrible.

I'm still paying for his show :(

I've listened to about four episodes in the last year, haven't made it past the fifteen minute mark.

I didn’t know it was set t auto renew, that’s how he got two years out of me.

Pot meet Kettle. Am I right gang?

Pot meet nigger

Because pots, kettles, and Anthony are all black.

My kettle is silver.

What do I know, I just use a good old Mr Coffee machine to get my two cups of joe before I head to the site.

Most of us heading to the job site have a container of coffee. Save you fancy cups for company, bub.

How do you prepare your coffee?

The wife brews a lot when she wakes up in the morning, bless her heart.

Seriously - kettles never come in black. Ever.


That's dumb. You're dumb.

And you have no idea what you're talking about. Less than 5% of kettles on the retail market are black. That's just a fact. They used to be black a long time ago.

They get blackened by soot, dummy, not at the factory.

Did your kettle get blackened by the soot on your stove top? What I’m getting at is that the phrase is outdated. It wasn’t really a serious comment.

You went from "never" to "less than 5%" very fast.

Because every time someone says “never”, they mean it literally as zero percent.

I guess the saying should be changed to, "The black pot calling the black kettle black" so autistic pedants don't get hung up on the details.

Ignorance Never Kettles

I had a black kettle.

Pock meet kettle.

Nice lack of self-awareness, stupid.

Ant trying to interact with anything he views as "childish", what else is new?

“Leftists are retards, they mindlessly follow twitter. THE NRA HAS NEVER BEEN WRONG, KILL ALL FAGS, IVE NEVER FUCKED A TRANNY” Cumia on twitter after his 6th double shot Jack & Coke he slammed to suppress his homosexuality and his pedo tendencies. He’s got hoarder level shit in his closet.

You seem upset.

Not at all

Jack and coke? Haha. He's on the 33rd Bud Lite of the evening, preparing to sail the open seas in the near future.

Ant is absolutely the kind of drunk that doesn't think he's a drunk because he drinks 50 bud lights a night instead of a fifth of whiskey.

He's a 100 beers a week "Everybody knows beer ain't drinking!" hillbilly. He'd be better off with whiskey neat.

That little cartoon profile pic of his with the bashful expression is enraging.

Enraging? Do you always mimic lil Jimmys phrases or just today?

What kind of spastic would edit their language just to avoid sounding like some F grade celebrity they dont like.

As if Jim owns the word just because it makes up 20% of his vocabulary.

Nice job calling out the phonies, stupid.

Yeah Jimmy invented using that word

How many years have you been doing this now?

A couple.

So no one can ever use that extremely common word because a formerly funny radio guy used it? He used “the”, “and” and “he fucked me” also. Guess we can’t use those anymore either?

Respect the commitment to the bit dude

It makes him look like a little sissy. Very accurate minus the burn victim skin.

benjamin button on the inside ass nigga

People should start tweeting Ant's old tweets to him as if they were from someone else and see how he'll react. Just make them the opposite stance from what he took.

Ever think he's trolling you all? He knows you read every tweet, he knows you listen to every word of his podcast, he knows that anything he does will be painstakingly analyzed by you all. Maybe he says shit like this on purpose just to give you something to do

He isnt that smart

I don't know. All he has to do is like one tweet by a tranny and your sewing circle will have enough gossip for days.

By gossip do you mean humor?

Like any one here really gives a shit about what his faggot ass likes. Its such easy humor to laugh at what was once a very funny man from a show we like years ago.

You have the worst sense of humor, then.! GENIUS! ENDLESS LAUGHTER! Copy/paste, copy/paste!

Yeah, because that is all the level of humor here is....Tranthony.

Do you laugh at anything on this sub?

Every now and again somebody stumbles into something clever. Mostly it's the same 5 comments repeated again and again.

So why are you here if you don't find it funny? I am legitimately asking.

Yeah, that's about the level of humor here. "He's pro free speech but blocked me for calling him a faggot cock sucker. Hahahahahahaha"

You some kind of tough guy?

He's a sensitive faggot. He blocked me because i liked a tweet reply that was making fun of him. I never even tweeted him.

So why are you here?!

This sub has been that level of humor...although there are much more funny things....for years now.

To observe and comment

A) But why? B) Why, after repeated attempts, have you still not answered that first question? It’s Lady Di level of avoidance. It’s not a complicated or difficult question.

It's something to do

Again, it’s like asking Lady Di a question. There are literally hundreds of thousands of other things you could do as “something to do.” So why do you come here? I know why I’m here. I miss the show and even though everyone here hates everyone involved in the show, I don’t. I still find all of the shit talk amusing because it at least involves a show I liked a lot. I even participate in the shit talking even though I actually don’t mean any of it. I find it funny. See? That’s a specific answer. It might be a stupid one, but at least it’s honest and complete.


That makes more sense to me now.

You guys are horribly repetitive too. You'll have somebody write a 5 paragraph essay about how Anthony does too many Godfather quotes, meanwhile it's the same 5 topics for every post. Once a week I see something funny. I like Opie bashing, too.

It's catty, chick humor

Some of it is I guess. But quite a bit of the shit is funny.

So if you are not finding anything here funny, and think it is all catty shit, why are you on this sub? The opie and Anthony show is long dead, and will never come back.

Just stop indulging this guy. He's obviously either one of Anthony's ball-washers or a compound subscriber. Either way it means he is very stupid.

I know what he is...he is one of about 4 or 5 people on this sub that are always whining about it. Yet they are still here, and they can never give an answer as to why.

I find it quite amusing to see you all obsess over Ant


He's not that bright, it is the only response he ever gives to people.

The alcoholic, elderly, miserable loser that lost a multi-million dollar gig because of twitter is claiming others are unhappy and failing in life.

You seem like a super cool, young billionaire

What a joke of a response. Do you subscribe to "Compound Media"?

No. I didn't enjoy the free content he put out, so I didn't subscribe. I've never had to go through the hours and hours and hours and hours of torture you put yourselves through.

What hours of torture? I have listened to I think 4 shows. His very first one, which I immediately saw that it was going to be a bore fest. A couple of Jimmy shows, and Greggshells.....I think I streamed that free from here.

Anthony is trash, he makes it really easy to bash him. No one here is listening, they are commenting on his twitter accounts.

the hours and hours and hours and hours of torture you put yourselves through.

Almost every one of your always downvoted comments is you whining about this place or its subscribers. You're as hypocritical as Anthony.

I see a lot of wasted potential, is all. You let me down

Don't worry, we'll have a billion other chances to prove ourselves to you, since despite all your crying, you'll still be here tomorrow...repeating the same unfunny shit while telling everyone else how to be funny.

I get some good lines in now and then


Okay, I'll grant your premise. He's trolling us all. What is his end game, and what exactly does he think he's accomplishing? This sub was largely pro-Anthony until he became a hyperreactionary faggot on social media and the most despicable details of his personal life were leaked. He combs through old DMs looking for people to yell at, insists this sub has no effect on his life, and yet offers $5K to anyone who can get it shut down.

So aside from briefly distracting him from his self-loathing for turning out just like dear old dad, what is the purpose of his trolling efforts?

For fun?

You live with him, Missy, you tell us.

Two fags arguing on Twitter.

I don't wanna sound extreme or outta line but I think this guy needs to log off

It’s like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife

And meet the man of your dreams and meeting his beautiful wife....isn't it ironic,don't ya think....

Yeah, kind of, I guess

not one rational thoughtyou see i need my guns to feel good and also freedoms

He's become a parody of himself.

Opie’s become a para c’s of himself

Everything he says is ran through the filter of a brain that is soaked in alcohol or recovering from recently being soaked in alcohol.

I might be way off base here but I'm starting to think Anthony is an angry drunken pedophile that blows trannies and shits all over himself and eats human shit out of jars with his hands

Ant really needs to come off twitter. His comments are fast becoming a parody of himself.

Period... * sniff *

they have mastered the art of projecting

He should fix his website and app that he charges as much as Netflix for but has literally never properly worked since summer 2014 instead of washing down Xanax with beer and squabbling on Twitter 40 fucking times a day.