Is this more proof they literally aren't people? You be the judge, fam

1  2018-03-29 by AnthonyCumio


It was white "people" fyi. Savages

All of them were black, dotard.

Black kids adopted by white ladies idiot

True American heroes, fine women willing to sacrifice their own lives for the greater good 😉

Sounds like a real 'checkerboard' family

Well fuck my ass and call me Sue Lightning.

Commie white (or maybe jewish) lesbians and their negro pets die in car crash. The world is a better place now.

loving parents who took their adopted kids to Bernie Sanders rallies,

haha bye

This made me happy.

These type of people that adopt a shitload of kids are fucking kooks, out in here middle of bumble fuck we have same thing just they have foster retards, when you talk to these care takers they try and make it sound like they care but its just about getting money from government

Do we call them a Crazy Kid Lady?

How happy are they neighbors about their property values going up after getting rid of that many niggers in one big swoop

Black kids adopted by white ladies idiot

True American heroes, fine women willing to sacrifice their own lives for the greater good 😉

Sounds like a real 'checkerboard' family

Well fuck my ass and call me Sue Lightning.