You assholes ruined Vizio as a brand for me.

33  2018-03-29 by The_Great_Phil

I went to buy a new 4K TV today and there was a good deal on a 70 inch Vizio but I just couldn't do it.

I'd be thinking of that half-nosed negro killing his infant every time I looked at the TV.

So I spent slightly more to go with the Samsung instead.


Joke's on you, sad sack.

Samuel "Sam" Sung killed TWO of his babies over a Vizio soundbar, but he was aquitted on a technicality and then became the CEO of one of the biggest phone hardware companies in the world.

If anything you should want to buy Vizio more.

i admit, looked at a vizio soundbar at a wal mart once for no reason. if only their execs knew theyd be buttfucking their marketing departments senseless.

What kind of chump looks at his TV instead of staring at his phone?

They test Samsung tv durability by throwing them at newly born puppies, the leftovers become a nutritious meal for the child workers during Christmas as a last meal before the "age out" process is started where they use defect LCDs with pixels returned by Americans such as yourself to beat the kids to death.


Thats quality you can trust right there

I wouldn't have it any other way

What kind of trailer trash would even consider buying a Vizio product?

Vizios are the shit if your a working class budgeting muuuuggggg like myself

They have a high end series. But people associate the brand with what's in Walmart.

Visio is the perfect sound system to watch your scene CAM/Telesync releases on your android box

You can't hold us responsible as a group just because of the antics of a few of are darker members.

What? That brand is to die for!

I recommend stealing Vizio items from Costco. Low prices= lower charges. Plus you can grab a chicken bake on the way out.