Been a while since I've listened to Rogan

28  2018-03-29 by TheRevBrown

What a boring unfunny fuck he's turned into. I couldn't even finish the skanks episode because he just sucks the air out of the room. You can tell they're all uncomfortable around him.


You don't like his soft, languid voice as he wastes several minutes making a non-point?

He dismisses jokes and takes things literally all the time. He needs to get off his step ladder and back into reality.

Yea that little mug is all up on his high Shetland Pony someone needs to take him down a peg.

u might need a dyyyyper

You don't like the libtard who pretends to accept conservative ideas, but thinks Buzzfeed is a trustworthy news site?

Jamie, pull the Brother Joe lexicon up.

I can only watch JRE if I’m stoned and he as an astrophysicist or some shit on. Whenever it’s a comedian it’s so douche and cringy. It seems like Rogan is just going through the motions these days.



Half of the supposed smart people he has on are idiots (like the baby boomer in a literal fedora who claims he’s going to “save the world” with his mushrooom research). And when it’s actually a genuinely intelligent guy he has on, Rogan tends to drag the conversation down.

On his Jordan Peterson poscast, Peterson made some throwaway metaphor about the universe being like a symphony. It wasn’t that important, and he only spent about 30 seconds on it before moving on to other, more complicated stuff that all went over Rogan’s meathead. So for the next hour, whenever Rogan had an opening to talk, he would bring it back to the unimportant metaphor because that’s what he was autistically focused on, and totally derail Peterson’s train of thought.

I have a hard time with water. It's just so boring.

Yeah, but imagine you're in the desert and you're super thirsty and your lips are blistered. it'd be delicious. Crazy, huh?

He's 50 years old, 5'2", eats a diet high in saturated fat, and has more roids in his system than half the UFC roster. He's the dark horse in the death pool.

Fuck are you talking about?

Does being short make you die quicker?

I suppose higher rate of suicide but I can't imagine it's bad for your health

Nope, longer. Tall people have higher heart attack / stroke risks later in life.

Yeah, can JRE is fading a bit. I time in rarely, but never finish an episode

How the fuck is rogah still getting these numbahs with this piss-poor quality?

“Just from being in the business for so long, I can tell you right now there’s alooootttaaa things they’re gettin wrong over there, but hey he’s doin his thing. sniff

He's become the ultimate pander to chicks. He's on his way to becoming a massive name, so he's watering down now to appeal to masses. I think one day he got too high and in his puny brain drafted the idea to use poor man's psychological tactics to allure female viewers so he can have a bigger audience. When he does his show I'll bet you 100 smackaroose that he pictures a feminist journalist listening to it and everything he says is something to suit her temperament.

When he does his show I'll bet you 100 smackaroos that he pictures a feminist journalist listening to it and everything he says is something to suit her temperament

I think it's simpler than that, he's just constantly imagining the tweets he'll get in response to what he says. He knows that if he says something that sounds brash or "punching down" that he'll get hammered on twitter, so he's constantly editing himself. And saying "how dare you" instead of laughing when someone tells an offensive joke.

Rogan says be almost never looks at his @ mentions on twitter, and I actually believe him. For the simple reason that he has so much shit going on that he wouldn’t have time for it, unlike other people we know.

‘The problem with these progressive Marxists are....’

Ugh, shut up

“BUT MUH MARXISM!!” - Everyone complaining about “the left.”

I immediately lose all respect for someone when I find out that they are a Joe Rogan fan.

When he did the podcast from his house it was much better

Fuck are you talking about?

Does being short make you die quicker?

I suppose higher rate of suicide but I can't imagine it's bad for your health